Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [been] [vb pp] during the " in BNC.

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1 Jamie asked whether she could make it slightly later , giving him time to finish an essay that should have been completed during the summer vacation .
2 He must have been interviewed during the night of panic following the murder ; in the rational light of dawn he would recognise that his words had been just heroics .
3 They develop basically because the velocity of a stream diminishes fairly rapidly at its mouth , a condition which must have been accentuated during the Post-glacial rise of sea level : deposition starts , probably aided by flocculation of the finer particles where the effect of salt water is felt , progradation ensues , which further reduces the gradient and so increases deposition by a positive feedback process .
4 After the rug has been clipped , it is washed to remove any dirt that may have been collected during the weaving process and to give the pile its particular " finish " .
5 Here and there minor changes in field boundaries may have been made during the past 150 or 200 years , but on the whole the enclosure map lays down the present-day pattern exactly .
6 5.12.4 Unless the Landlord shall otherwise direct to carry out and complete before the expiry of the Term any works required to be carried out to or in the Premises as a condition of any planning permission which may have been granted during the Term irrespective of the date by which such works were required to be carried out It is understandable that a landlord will wish to ensure that the tenant not only complies with planning legislation but also does not make application for planning permission without the landlord 's consent .
7 It may have been dropped during the run-in to opening in 1692 , to spare the first-night audience too long a wait for the music they had paid to hear in this long-expected opera ; for it can perfectly well be done without .
8 It was recognised by the defendants that when the employment of an agent came to an end it was likely that there would be in existence a number of policies which would have been effected during the period of the plaintiff 's employment in respect of which commission would normally be paid in future years if the employment had continued .
9 Goodwill will usually have a zero base cost because it will have been created during the vendor 's running of the business ( contrast purchased goodwill which must be written off ) .
10 Even though the continuous assessment , course-work elements will have been graded during the preceding two years , the marks will be put together and the final grade awarded at this one time .
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