Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adv prt] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ NIRVANA HAVE made an LP which is not only better than anything they 've ever done before , it 'll stand up as a new reference point for the future post-hardcore generation , ’ confirms Steve Lamacq , as ‘ Nevermind ’ makes a gigantic , instantaneous cross-over , welcomed by all of the diverse colonies like hardcore , HM — anybody that 's partial to vitriol and cool tunes , attitude and your classic , penned-in teenage howl .
2 The Board of Customs & Excise has also indicated ‘ some pleasure ’ at the proposals and the IITP is optimistic that it might end up as the internal examining body for the department .
3 NINETEEN EIGHTY-TWO just might go down as a memorable year in the history of Britain , if not the rest of the world .
4 As a very rough indicator , instalments totalling over one-tenth of income might stand out as a heavy current credit commitment .
5 Sheena Falconer , senior lecturer in textiles , has been told by the principal , Dr David Kennedy , that there is room for only one textile lecturer , but that she could stay on as an ordinary lecturer — the post held by her sister , Barbara Diack .
6 If they were going along trying to open shop doors , they could go in as a suspected person loitering but it was n't looked upon very favourably by the courts .
7 It could end up as a public dogfight .
8 But it could end up as the only game in town . ’
9 ‘ I bet you never thought you 'd end up as a social accessory whenever you agreed to come here for a holiday !
10 This may have been a late flowering of the ‘ badinage ’ that he used to partake in as a Young Conservative with Brixton locals , but so sensitive is Major about his background , that the public is permitted to hear only the Authorised Version .
11 ‘ You ought to dress up as a Venetian noble , ’ she mused .
12 He is assuming that all those people now paid below what his party would bring in as a minimum wage would keep their jobs .
13 Patrick Kelly , whom Dan would look on as an ill-educated lout , had actually spent time on her enjoyment .
14 Er it 's it was marked , I think , from the early discussion Chairman that er Watford , er would end up as a new fire station .
15 It was certainly correct to put Jim Prior , Peter Walker and Ian Gilmour firmly in the ‘ wet ’ camp and Keith Joseph would go down as an undoubted ‘ dry ’ , but for most of the rest of us our opinion depended upon the issue .
16 They were kept waiting for just a couple of minutes — ‘ While Mr Magill completes a call ’ in a cool-warm windowless reception area soundproofed so that even the loudest complaint about a bill would come out as a hushed croak then ushered through into an office that was almost straight from Charles Dickens .
17 They feared that , without proper cover , the City would lose out as an international financial centre as large overseas institutions moved their European offices to less-exposed capitals .
18 It will slide on as a whole line , from the bottom right hand corner ( which will take 50 frames to complete ) stay still for 120 frames , and then scatter off randomly over a period of 30 frames .
19 The idea of curriculum review has been brought into the schools ' arena , though whether it will take off as a regular and meaningful exercise seems doubtful .
20 Finally the ideas will end up as a useful product and some published papers .
21 Er and between the Liberal er Liberal Democrats Labour if you support our proposal we 'll support yours , will end up as a temporary fire station and .
22 The initiator of change can not , in the face of reluctance or merely token activity , be confident that every participant will end up as an active and confident partner .
23 This will go down as a crucial staging post in the sport 's history in this country . ’
24 The toll in what will go down as the worst rioting in US history is incomprehensible .
25 ‘ We believe we have done just that , and this team will go down as an outstanding one in any era .
26 While a barred fish is inconspicuous against a striped , mottled , or blotched background such as vegetation , stones , roots etc , or areas of light and shade , a white , yellow , or orange fish will stand out as a sitting target for any passing predator .
27 How is it that what seem like random discharges from a part of the brain that we share with the humblest reptiles can end up as the elaborate , coherent , cognitive activity we know as dreaming ?
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