Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] it at [art] " in BNC.

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1 He rubbed his chin absently on the top of Tessa 's head , so that he could look over it at the girl .
2 It was confirmed on Aug. 14 that the small right-wing National Smallholders ' Party led by Imre Boross had reached agreement with the Independent Smallholders ' Party — from which it had split in December 1989 [ see p. 37739 ] — and would reunite with it at an unspecified date in the future .
3 This possibility is important and we shall return to it at the end of this section .
4 And that we would issue those summary sheets at a staff meeting and we would go through it at a staff meeting and that that , probably that was as much as we could do
5 The examination he looks upon as completely separate ; he will attend to it at the last possible moment .
6 ‘ I do n't think you will care for it at the Rectory , ’ Aunt Emily said .
7 ‘ There 's not a lot we can do about it at the moment , is there ? ’
8 There 's nothing you can do about it at the moment .
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