Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 But you 've argued previously in this hall that North Yorkshire should provide for residential development at a level which would cater for a continuation of the past levels of migration .
2 He even felt a rather pleasant sense of detachment from what was going on , almost as though everything around him were happening on television and the barman might switch to another channel at any moment .
3 By the time the Winterthur show came around in 1990 I thought it would be interesting to exhibit just the paintings and when Nick Serota , the Director of the Tate , proposed that we might put on another retrospective at his gallery I felt more sure of myself .
4 Both carry details of jobs in the independent sector and the Standard has occasional recruitment supplements which may look in more depth at job opportunities .
5 If we take one of the quotes in Fig. 8.1 as illustrative we may look in more detail at the information which is published :
6 There is still the continued tension between local Hindus and Muslims which could explode into more violence at any time .
7 There was nothing we could do for poor Victor at five in the morning ; we should meet for an early breakfast and decide then what to do .
8 United have been going well in recent weeks , but they really could do with another win at home this was the last 6 weeks ago against Cambridge United .
9 And , and , and all , he 'd got all countries ' television er going , you know , so you could look at any country at the moment , the moment it was producing .
10 To compare mini-beasts living in leaf litter with those living in bushes , children could search on one colour at a time to see if there was a pattern .
11 Friendship networks so old and intimate that the differences and difficulties could collapse into wild mirth at any instant , or could flare into fights which , however vicious at the time , would not actually change anything nor prevent her and all her friends coming together again soon after , at identical but different pine kitchen tables , scattered in a loose lop-sided circle around central London .
12 The lad has learned a harsh lesson for doing something daft , but this type of injury could happen to any player at any time in training .
13 He thought that the human aura could interact with this force-field at such places .
14 We used to walk from New Station at New Street Station at Birmingham u up to Snow Hill Station .
15 And she believed the whales would remain at Laspi Bay at least for the summer , and had not heard of the widely criticised plans to take them on a travelling display .
16 It may be correct that these properties would fall into this Band at 1993 values , but values have risen over the past two years ( despite national trends in house prices ) .
17 He also emphasises the ethics : ‘ Certainly if anyone were to advocate placing whale genes or elephant growth hormone genes into the genetic code of a human embryo , so that it would grow to sexual maturity at age six , and twice as tall …
18 Exactly a month after the exhibition opened , the Secretary of State announced that state aid for churches in use would begin with immediate effect at the rate of £1 million a year .
19 In later chapters , we shall look in more depth at the various job security rights that employees have gained through laws enacted in the past 25 years or so .
20 The question of payments to councillors will be considered below , but first we shall look in more detail at the results of the three surveys .
21 In the next section , we shall look in more detail at what students mean by ‘ physics ’ .
22 We shall look in more detail at the Financial Services Act 1986 in Chapter 9 .
23 We shall return to this issue at several points later in this volume .
24 I shall return to this point at the end of the chapter on page 35 .
25 Subject to the Charter , Statutes , Ordinances and Regulations of the University , intending students shall apply for initial enrolment at the commencement of their courses of study or research .
26 Most of the F1-11s will remain on active service at an airbase in the United States .
27 This will assist in completing the large re-signalling scheme here and , apart from the run-round when required , will assist with bi-directional operation at the station .
28 In the rest of this chapter , we will look in more detail at the diversity of family life in Britain and at some of the factors that affect it .
29 We have already considered how DVI works in our section on video compression ( see 3.10 ) and we will look in more detail at its practical implications below in 3.23 .
30 In this section I will look in some detail at the DUP 's role in recent illegal demonstrations and marches , the party 's attitude to law-breaking , and the complex relationship between the DUP and working-class loyalists .
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