Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It may smack of undue determinism to suggest that only this system 's replacement will achieve anything and that its renovation will achieve nothing .
2 We must think of some way to save him .
3 Consensus theorists allocated a very important role to values ; whatever differences in expected behaviour there may be between different groups within a society they consider that a general consensus on the most significant values — central values — must exist for any society to operate satisfactorily .
4 They must act on this opportunity to ensure that young doctors working in the NHS receive the training that they need and deserve .
5 But you must wait for good weather to appreciate the mighty Picos de Europa range of mountains , just follow the river Deva through the dramatic La Hermida Defile ravine to the pretty Alpinesque town of Potes and on the Fuente Dé , where a cable car ascends the last 800 metres up to the sheer rock face .
6 A demonstration was held outside the hospital after it was first suggested the units might close , but now the protestors must wait until next year to see what happens .
7 On April 17 , disregarding Nguza 's order that it should refrain from any attempt to take over the running of the country , the conference adopted sovereign status , and on April 21 the Most Rev. Monsengwo Pasinya was confirmed as chairman of the conference [ see p. 38662 for his election in December 1991 ] .
8 If you are writing an MA , MPhil , MLitt or PhD dissertation , you should look at this book to see what other people have written about the topic you are working on .
9 Does the Minister agree that instead of freezing the outlay of public money , the Government should hurry on public development to enable those shops to be let ?
10 LISTREL will supply default responses to most or all of the prompts on the pages ; if the defaults are acceptable the user can just press RETURN after viewing the page , but if changes are required to the defaults the user must TAB to each prompt to edit the response .
11 I have passed your letter to the Administration Section of the Department for formal processing , however , I should like at this stage to thank you for your contribution to the work of Lothian Trading Standards Department , and wish you well with your future career at
12 Beyond it we must look at actual behaviour to assess the impact of higher taxes on incentives .
13 There is little other reason why President de Klerk should decide at this point to include two coloured politicians and an Indian in his cabinet .
14 However , in order for the reaction to take place , X and y must collide with sufficient energy to overcome the ‘ activation energy ’ , l .
15 Ariel starts across the clearing ; the trees and undergrowth , the tangle of roots and flowers have been razed , she must trudge across open ground to reach the sea , which is her aim ; she will walk out on the west side of the settlement 's boundaries , where the stockade has not yet been driven into the beach , past the rinsing and brewing pools which have already come to look neglected , the waterline slimy with weed , the flies hatching on the surface .
16 No member of the committee , his representative or associate must vote on any resolution to sanction any such transactions ( r6.165(4) ) .
17 In most cases the only disadvantage of such divisions is that you must pass through one room to reach the other .
18 Field studies suggest that there is a yield benefit , too , as reduced tractor wheelslip and soil compaction should lead to less damage to soil and crop .
19 Green Believers in the rich world will not save their planet unless they guarantee the sustainability of poor-world economies : rich-world money must pay for poor-world industry to go green .
20 Where the landlord seeks a break clause on renewal , the tenant should press for any right to break to be mutual .
21 He should come to this House to make a statement .
22 If the stick becomes obstructed that tells you that there is a diversion and you must dig at that point to determine the new direction .
23 In that same year , the celebrated naturalist Buffon , echoing Burdon , felt advantages would accrue if some physicians should turn from human medicine to study veterinary medicine .
24 Although terms such as lentement and vite are unambiguously indicative of tempo , many other expressions commonly found in French Baroque music which may appear at first sight to have no definite connotations of tempo were commonly understood as tempo indications at the time .
25 I 'll think of some way to ask Aunt Sarah or Uncle Nick what to do , without telling them the crazy part .
26 ‘ You 'll think of some way to find him . ’
27 We might pause at this juncture to ask just why the British Government should assume an obligation to provide decent housing for the working classes , when in other countries rather different policies were pursued ; also why Britain embarked , consciously or otherwise , on a massive shift in housing tenure over the next 50 years and more .
28 Firstly , he could not be sure whether other surviving members of the killer pack might arrive at any moment to join the attack on him .
29 This might seem at first sight to express the naive view that onomatopoeia and other kinds of sound symbolism constitute essential features of poetry , but Wimsatt 's conception of the iconic function of language embraces a great deal more than this .
30 It might help at this point to ask the children a further question : " What might happen if the thief ( the rightful owner of the jewels/the alien in the above examples ) does or does not ( depending on the drama ) manage to steal the " keys " ? "
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