Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A dissatisfied party may want to establish that the reference was made to an expert so that he can then sue the individual , or that the reference was made to an arbitrator so that he can appeal against the award : or again there may be differences in rights of enforcement prompting the claim that an arbitration was a reference to an expert , or vice versa .
2 There are all sorts of reasons for giving the less direct answer : B may want to establish that the fact that the reading was not done was not due to laziness .
3 In rare circumstances a purchaser may seek to argue that the vendor has breached a warranty to such an extent that it considers the vendor to have repudiated the contract .
4 At the very least , the employee may need to show that the customer began to make an active search for an alternative supplier when be became aware that the patented article had to undergo important technical refinements after it had been put into use .
5 Also , the district judge ‘ … should endeavour to secure that the parties make all such admissions and agreements as ought reasonably to be made by them … . ’
6 He must endeavour to secure that the parties make such admissions and agreements as are reasonable .
7 Instead , the buyer should seek to ensure that the consideration reflects the higher risk to the buyer and the terms which the seller wants for completing the disposal .
8 Where we are commissioned by outside bodies to produce reports on the environment , we should seek to ensure that the copyright rests with us ( Para 25 ) .
9 When faced with proposals which offer ‘ a reorientation of communications cutting across traditional routes and boundaries ’ , which in English means building roads over people 's houses , and that routes for these roads are represented by a squiggle from a felt tip pen , which then is incorporated as the project logo , we must begin to wonder if the DED and DOE are poking fun at the communities likely to suffer .
10 I should like to emphasise that the police national computer is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1984 .
11 In supporting the order — one could scarcely do otherwise — I should like to stress that the way forward does not lie merely in improvements in teachers ' pay , necessary though they are .
12 But at the same time I should like to show that the speaking is by no means straightforward speech .
13 I find his thesis correct in general , but should like to add that the corruption which amounts to violence is likely to be suppressed in someone who has been trained to be a good little girl and can , as one of his own case histories demonstrates , express itself in other , less overt , terms .
14 I should like to know whether the Opposition welcome the reduction of that £0.5 billion burden on British employers or taxpayers or whether they regret it and I am happy to give way now to the hon. Member for Sedgefield if he will answer that question .
15 I should like to think that the Colonel 's sister-in-law ( the daughter of a dean ) to whom he gave dinner at the Café Royal , the Aunt whom he entertained at the Walsingham , and the Uncle whom he nicknamed the Nabob , were really his relations and not figments of his humorous imagination .
16 In the first instance the potential buyer must look to see if the program offers the following capabilities .
17 What we are , however , concerned with now is the standard of review which should apply to determine whether the meaning of that term is satisfied by the evidence before the decision-maker .
18 From the drafter 's point of view there is clearly nothing that can be done to save a clause rendered ineffective by the Act ; however , where a clause is subject to a test of reasonableness ( which will be more common in relation to clauses included in standard terms ) the drafter should try to ensure that the clause can satisfy the test .
19 When this introduction is successfully achieved the topic can be introduced , and the counsellor should try to ensure that the group takes over most of the talking .
20 There are those who argue that the ‘ burden of proof ’ should be reversed and that companies wishing to merge should have to prove that the merger is ‘ in the public interest ’ .
21 In particular , he objected to correlating time with the motions of the heavenly bodies , since time would still exist if the heavens should cease to move but a potter 's wheel continued to rotate .
22 Passport holders of other countries should check to see if a visa is required .
23 We must continue to ensure that the sentence fits the crime — with long sentences for dangerous criminals , and fines and a tougher regime for punishment outside prison available as an alternative for less serious crime .
24 We must check to see whether the lady 's slipper survived the winter — only six species of orchids have been seen this year .
25 The authors suggest that the lists can contribute towards decisions on disapplications and modifications : ‘ These should help to decide whether a child is capable of reaching ATs in the areas covered by the scales ’ ( Webster and Webster 1990 : 9 ) .
26 THE WORLD debut of three British cars , and the first British showing of important models from around the world , should help to ensure that the London Motorfair , which opens on Thursday , is the most interesting and significant for years .
27 ‘ We can and must fight to see that the fruit of labour remains in the hands of those who work , and that work does not turn into punishment . ’
28 He is the chief executive and administrative officer of the local authority , and it is to him in the end that the council must turn to see that the decisions of the council are executed .
29 At the least , the seller should agree to ensure that the business of the offeree group is carried on in the ordinary and usual course so as to maintain the same as a going concern ; and that nothing is voluntarily done or omitted which would result in a material inaccuracy in the warranties if they were repeated on , and as at , completion .
30 The experience of admission to hospital and the possibility of surgery will be different for each individual but it is possible to discuss some of the physical and psychological factors which may contribute to stress and the effects these may have on progress and recovery .
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