Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 A solicitor for the Robinson family said that the staff at the hospital should have made a call to the Southern General .
2 He should have sent the child to me from the moment she could feed herself , Roirbak thought , sure Ari had been contaminated and spoiled by the life she 'd led at Taler 's Bump .
3 The jury 's note should have alerted the judge to problems that might occur .
4 Last week 's article ‘ What 's wrong with German Science ’ ( p 277 ) should have contained an acknowledgement to the generous help of Dr Christoph Schneider now at the Wissenschaftsrat ( Science Council ) in Köln .
5 She also knew that she should have reported the foul to Mike , who would then make an official complaint to the umpire , but she was too angry .
6 I should have put a stop to it . ’
7 ‘ You should have put a stop to it ! ’ said Florrie accusingly .
8 Since he did not have the physical strength of most of the others , this was important for him and must have contributed a lot to his effectiveness .
9 Indirectly this must have represented a challenge to the influence of Aethelred of Mercia in the East Saxon region .
10 Such tough independent people must have posed a threat to both central and local government .
11 Nor do I think this matters because , since the decision of [ the House of Lords ] in Hedley Byrne & Co v Heller & Partners Ltd [ 1964 ] AC 465 , it is clear that quite apart from any contractual obligation , the respondents must have owed a duty to [ both shareholders ] to use reasonable skill and care in making their valuation .
12 From Major Erickson 's viewpoint it must have seemed a blessing to be rid of him .
13 The taxi took them off to a small restaurant , and with everywhere seeming crowded to full capacity Fabia guessed , when they were straight away shown to a table , that Ven must have had the forethought to book in advance .
14 He must have taken a shine to the jacket because he turned the corner — and never came back leaving the police red-faced .
15 Of all the films Ocean might 've obtained the licence to , they chose one that could only be described as mediocre .
16 From this play , taken in conjunction with earlier comedies , an interpretation of Athenian culture can be extracted which is , in essence , coherent and credible — even though there is considerable room for argument about how seriously the comic author might have liked the interpretation to be taken .
17 This suggests that the clients themselves might have provided an impetus to itinerance .
18 Although it is clear that these changes were made in order to admit light to the new , deep-plan living accommodation , it is conceivable that the judicious use of ranges of standard reversible and ventilating roof windows might have provided an answer to this requirement which would have been less erosive of the original external appearance .
19 Now if she 'd had the voice of the little dumpy one they all took the mickey out of , Lemon , as they called her , he just might have put the question to her .
20 The malais might have put the torch to the field , they might think they 've exterminated all the creatures in it , but there 'll always be one woodchuck left .
21 These facts were undisputed and one might have supposed the case to be a perfectly simple and straightforward one .
22 Your servant might have delivered the bagatelle to mine .
23 The only Italian she might have got an introduction to — and though elderly he might have had a son — had dropped down dead in the Vatican Square .
24 Only the expert eye of their Capellan adviser could tell where , in all that wilderness of basalt and shale , might lie hidden a clue to the world that had been lost .
25 Or they could 've got a plane to Paris , nobody would have stopped them .
26 Only a government commanding enormous confidence and authority could have accepted the blow to its prestige entailed in acquiescing in the Austrian assault upon Serbia .
27 Hibs have found a blend in central defence elusive this season , but could have discovered the answer to their problems in Steven Tweed .
28 If you have not been adequately consulted , and a tribunal is satisfied that consultation could have made a difference to the redundancy decision , there is a good chance that you will succeed in an unfair dismissal claim and be entitled to compensation .
29 Joanne often felt that she could have taught a topic to the whole class in a fraction of the time it was taking them to find it out for themselves .
30 Thus , just at the moment when the Battle of Verdun was about to enter its grimmest phase , the one man on the German side who could have put an end to the butchery was impotent to do so .
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