Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [be] [vb pp] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 A brick should have been wrapped in that paper and then inserted well up Chamberlain 's fundamental orifice .
2 How much time should have been allocated to that job/ activity ?
3 Sir : For real dramatic effect , your article on road pricing by Terence Bendixson ( Focus , 5 October ) should have been published alongside that of John Lichfield reporting from Los Angeles the day before .
4 She was an extraordinary human being , and it was a damn shame that her personality and talents should have been encased in that little dumpy body of hers .
5 At least by the time that the friend heard the click it must have been settled on that occasion that the electron 's spin was " up " .
6 Indeed , if the seller 's consent could have been vitiated in that way , Parliament would never have needed to create the statutory offence of obtaining by false pretences .
7 The serious disadvantages to which the plaintiffs could have been put in that action were ( 1 ) the possible forfeiture of their right to do business within the state until the tax was paid .
8 If you 've had office copy entries , the date from which to search is that given at the foot of each page , when the office copy entries were issued ; your search will then reveal any entries that may have been made since that date .
9 In fact , I may have been lulled by that into an unwise bravado .
10 Again er even frosting blast when even other trees er specific trees are erm alright , it may have been caught in that draught and set it back a little , you never know .
11 I do n't think he may have been told about that , now he himself if he knew about that , that might be sufficient digging him over this hill
12 But this is sugar cane country so it may have been designed with that in mind .
13 Had our patient been subjected to an exploratory laparotomy during the initial admission the diaphragmatic tear would have been diagnosed at that time .
14 The police officer agreed Anderson would have been charged at that stage if there had been sufficient evidence .
15 The gross domestic product which would have been observed in that month if the prices in the selected base period had prevailed : this is called real gross domestic product ( or gross domestic product at constant prices ) .
16 She knew , before the talkative nurse had told her so , that it would have been squeezed to that shape by her own body giving birth .
17 ‘ That cabinet would have been used in that Granada programme about India , I think , yes Jewel in the Crown , that 's it , ’ he said vaguely during a guided tour of the warehouse .
18 Quinn gave him the car , a Volvo saloon , and its registration number ; both men surmised , rightly , that the plates would have been changed for that meeting , then changed back again .
19 I have n't checked the erm er wording of today 's programme , but I 've no reason to assume that any mistakes will have been made on that .
20 Nonsense , because almost without exception the candidates themselves will have been selected by that supposedly indifferent party machine .
21 Maybe , however , someone 's memory will have been nudged by that photo flashed on television screens six weeks ago .
22 Mr Major said at question time : ‘ Decent families everywhere will have been sickened by that cold-blooded attack on innocent people going about peaceful business on a spring Saturday lunchtime . ’
23 When teachers have received each final version of guidance and ministerial requirement then , despite the connections which will have been included in that guidance between a specific subject and a broader concern ( such as the encouragement of multicultural or anti-racist education ) , school managers will still be faced with a problem .
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