Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 We must contact these people , we must build back the confidence to the unemployed , we 've given these people who are unemployed our good training , we need their expertise to come back and fight again if we 're gon na have any hope for the future .
2 ‘ Right then , I 've called out enough instructions , now I 'll point to one of you and you must make up the instruction to be obeyed in just the same way as I have been doing .
3 Contract Compliance Local authorities when inviting tenders must specify clearly the work to be done and the conditions under which it should be completed .
4 Higher rate taxpayers must top up the tax to 40 per cent .
5 ‘ Then perhaps you should pass on the lesson to Señor Mitchell , ’ he grated .
6 If before completion of execution , notice is given to the sheriff or bailiff that a bankruptcy order has been made , the sheriff or bailiff must hand over the proceeds to the official receiver or trustee subject to his costs of execution ( s 346(2) ) .
7 On 31 May 1974 , the Supreme Court decided by eight votes to nil that the President must hand over the tapes to the new Special Prosecutor , Leon Jaworski , and in July the House Judiciary Committee voted that the President should be impeached .
8 Contract drawings , together with the specification , must define completely the work to be done and the standards with which it must comply .
9 When the photographer has finished we 'll bring out the items to you .
10 I 'll fetch up the bath to you straight , and have Adam bring cans of water up here . ’
11 I 'll read out the groups to you .
12 The accompanying letter said how much they enjoyed the tour of Springfields and said Eric could pass on the sticker to his son .
13 A BRIDGE could open up the route to sales success in France for a new product marketed by the protective coatings division of Celomer .
14 Wished she could turn back the clock to when , only a matter of ten days ago , she 'd led a calm and orderly life back in London , in control of her business and her private life …
15 Since , in 1850 , the one bastion of that order which had escaped major trouble in 1848 was the Russian Empire , it was likely that at some point France would throw down the gauntlet to the tsar .
16 If this image were displayed using the methods described earlier it would lack very dark values ( 0–24 ) as well as medium to bright values ( 91–255 ) and would cover only the dark to medium grey range .
17 This itself would rule out the move to a Single Currency .
18 Adding in the cost of the bus fare would jack up the APR to 33.7 per cent — more expensive than the local shop .
19 ‘ … and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death . ’
20 The brother shall deliver up the brother to death …
21 He went to his stall with the words echoing and reechoing in his inward ear : ‘ and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death ’ .
22 It points me to the verse numbered twenty-one , and the line is : ‘ And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death . ’ ’
23 The crystal chandelier was for effect only — lighting that would show off the clothes to their best advantage was brilliant yet discreet , and along one wall were racks holding some of the ready-to-wear garments .
24 In a year the shop would be no more , lorries would carry away the rubble to which it had been reduced , leaving a gap to be filled by yet another chain store .
25 With November came the herring season and the boats would sail up the coast to Torbay , then back around Bigbury Bay and Plymouth , although a few boats continued to fish for pilchards from Looe throughout the Winter .
26 And I 've I 've known I 've heard of the Glen Islan m men would walk out the hill to the market of Braemar , the Castletown market they used to say , likely going there for sheep or something , I do n't know that was beyond my stories .
27 The woman would pull up the sheet to her neck .
28 They had pointed out that a road in this area would open up the rainforest to clearance by settlers , with the consequent loss of habitat for gorillas , elephants and other threatened animal species , and the disruption of the livelihoods of traditional tribal peoples in the area .
29 So , one Member of Parliament 's idea ‘ to have girl muggers whipped ’ would turn back the clock to the 1820s when corporal punishment for women was abolished , whereas another Parliamentary recommendation to ‘ Bring back stocks for hooligans ’ would presumably transport us into the Dark Ages .
30 The text sets out from the premiss that the beneficiary of the trust ought to obtain the actual land ( rather than its value ) ; the question therefore is who ought to pay off the creditor to whom the land is presently pledged .
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