Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Acts include a general clause which says that the corporation should keep proper accounting records and should present its accounts in a form laid down by the relevant Secretary of State .
2 I most scrupulously carried out my promise to her , despite the dishonest if well meant advice of various people who suggested that I should deposit her letters in a great library .
3 You should prune your roses in the spring .
4 That is why we must have complaints procedures that can be worked and really do work , why authorities must use their powers in the proper way and why we must have constant vigilance .
5 They must exercise their powers in the interests of the exchange , rather than for their own benefit .
6 Ideally you should float your purchases in the bucket and gradually mix the water as you would for any newly-stocked fish .
7 We should maintain our goats in a ‘ lean ’ or ‘ good ’ condition , not ‘ very lean ’ and not ‘ fat ’ .
8 In appreciating the contemporary cultural mosaic , therefore , we must appreciate its foundations in the accommodations between communities and their environments in the creation of social structures as ‘ machines for living ’ .
9 Section 324 specifies that directors must disclose their shareholdings in the company in question and its related companies , while s.325 makes it obligatory for the company to keep a record of all of its directors ' interests .
10 On their forays to Britain they employed ridicule against the snobbery of golf clubs which insisted that the golfing untouchables must change their boots in the pro 's shop .
11 Indeed he almost perfected the system to his own advantage , sowing the seed for the rise of Fascism at the same time by installing in the population the notion that the business of politics was none of their business and that they should shrug their shoulders in a resigned way and let it continue .
12 In the end they agreed that the 120 commissioners should hold their meetings in the church of St-Castor at Koblenz , lodging each night on opposite sides of the Rhine " to forestall outbreaks of fighting between the commissioners ' men " .
13 The Germans should recall their experiences in the area , when the fighting tied down seven German divisions .
14 If the Rushdie affair teaches us anything , it is that liberals and fundamentalists alike should inspect their principles in a spirit of critical self-examination .
15 Ian Hay told me the lady 's last wish had been that the Colonel should scatter her ashes in the headwaters of the River Laxford : ‘ But , you see , his new young wife was not the sort of lady to enjoy much walking and the poor Colonel just did n't know how he was going to get the job done .
16 A military commander should order his troops in the way best calculated to achieve victory at a minimal cost .
17 we must ask whose opinions in the classroom setting are crucial in the judgment of what is deemed proper action .
18 After a crisis in his life in 1974 , his ministry in Leeds and London led women and men , archbishops and students to his home , meeting an increasingly gentle , humane and wise priest , who might greet his visitors in an apron preparing the meal .
19 As soon as we receive your Grand Prize Certificate of Eligibility , we 'll enter your numbers in the Draw , and we 'll let you know promptly if you win a prize .
20 We 'll get our orders in the morning .
21 Don has made the trip from Hereford to Romania 4 times now and he 'll continue his visits in the hope that one day he can leave behind a modern farming system which will bring Moldavia into the twentieth century .
22 ‘ I may spend my days in a welter of silks and satins , but I 'm not an entire moron , you know . ’
23 A nation of cricket lovers could bury their heads in the dust of the Oval and forget all about Continental goings-on .
24 He was ill — except that how many diseases came on so quickly that a man could send you flowers in the morning and by dinner be incapable of lifting the telephone ?
25 This approach created an environment in which students could present their responses in a personal yet interactive way in an evaluation session which was organised by the Department , but run by two members of staff from the Access Unit .
26 The students were being fed contradictory messages and did what they could to lead their lives in the best way possible , given deteriorating conditions and mounting ideological and political debates .
27 The kettlepan was erm a sauce- a thing like a saucepan with a a kettle that fitted on to the top so that you could boil your vegetables in the saucepan and boil the kettle at the same time .
28 Kelly could see her clothes in the corner across the room , but she needed to get to them without being jumped by this barrel of lard .
29 Out of one eye , through the curtain of his rough blond hair , she could see their bodies in the mirror on the wall .
30 You 'd use your hands in a scuffle outside a pub .
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