Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I thought that as I 'd involved you all , to some extent , in the enquiries that were launched yesterday , I ought to inform you of the results of our search for the boy , Gerry Boden … ’
2 If he respects and loves his original … he must liberate it from the boundaries of time , the boundaries of physical change of all sorts , the boundaries of cultural change . "
3 But you you must prefer one over the others do you ?
4 The scale should cover everything between the pages of a book .
5 Nevertheless , the de-Marxisation of their project by him and the ‘ death of the social ’ which he has announced should alert us to the doubts raised by Raymond Williams on the issue of certain types of Utopianism .
6 So yeah , I 'm not sure whether it , whether whether one should translate it as the mountains of Ararat , or the Ararat mountains .
7 And [ wa ] others felt a similar shock at my intention to talk about political jokes relating to contemporary leaders of the modern Arab World and suggested that I should confine myself to the days of the Prophet and the early imams .
8 He should confine himself to the questions put to him .
9 perhaps we should confine it to the specifics we 're talking .
10 We must combat it with the weapons of faith by showing that it is possible to have a balanced , intelligent faith which offers hope and healing .
11 ‘ We must do something about the cuts .
12 This was whether they should present themselves to the voters as a continuation of the Thatcher governments ; or claim that the election of John Major represented such a fundamental break with what had gone before that there was no need for voters to respond to the classical call of opposition on such occasions : ‘ Time for a change . ’
13 This zest should be carried into the transcendent and should bring us to the horizons of mental thought .
14 The fiduciary relationship , if it is to exist at all , must accommodate itself to the terms of the contract so that it is consistent with , and conforms to , them .
15 Your mother was saying perhaps I should give it to the kids , half to you , half to Debbie , but I said , no .
16 The new laws also require that people who find a stray dog should report it to the authorities .
17 If the Greens ever form a government , they should use him in the commercials advocating population control .
18 He wanted to see a mixed economy of care and he considered it essential that the social services authorities should see themselves as the arrangers and purchasers of care services , not as monopolistic providers .
19 It is vital that social services authorities should see themselves as the arrangers and purchasers of care services — not as monopolistic providers .
20 In the shifting pattern of dominance and submission which characterized tribal life , with warfare being carried out now against one , now against another group , it was natural that on occasion peoples should ally themselves with the Russians .
21 He said , ‘ I must return it to the half-mortals , for only they in all the worlds can keep it safe now . ’ ’
22 The Toraja believe we have many layers of spirits , or astral bodies , which at death must detach themselves like the skins of an onion so each may find its proper place .
23 Perhaps he should refresh himself with the facts .
24 She can not afford to make a mistake so she must leave herself to the administrations of Lady G , June 's of Hamilton or Gina Smart in Ayr .
25 What cruel irony it will be if my own uncompromising and innovatory integrity should lead me into the mantraps set by the sort of people who scarcely know one end of a pen from another .
26 Such behaviour did not recommended itself to another , more discreet , influence on Leonard during those undergraduate years : Professor F.R. Scott , later Dean of the Faculty of Law , presently , while Leonard swithered and swayed as to whether he should commit himself to the arts or commerce , his lecturer in law .
27 And thou shalt write them upon the door-posts of thy house , and upon thy gates … ’
28 We must put it in the hands of trained Islamic scholars and get them to run tests on it .
29 We must remind ourselves of the contexts in which the relevant terms are acquired .
30 May 29 , 1975 The defendant solicitors issued a third party notice against the barrister whose advice they had taken , asking that he should indemnify them on the grounds that they had acted on his advice .
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