Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Since I hated the police , it was natural that I should feel myself aligned with the prostitutes .
2 The State Department in Washington still must decide what to do with the migrants , apparently picked up by the Panamanian-registered East Wood from an island off China to be smuggled to Hawaii .
3 If the LEA were to lay down as a condition of grant that we should have nothing to do with the University body , we should refuse the grant , and I do not see why Universities should not show the same loyalty to us .
4 It must have something to do with the way the language heaps noun upon noun .
5 Maybe it 's the transformers , because they must have something to do with the sound .
6 ‘ It must have something to do with the attack on Anna .
7 I must admit I acted with the thought that I could interest you , that some attention would not be unwelcome — I hope I am not so insensitive as to force my company on anyone without some indication on their part — and there was interest , was n't there ?
8 ‘ I 'll see what happens with the weights before deciding . ’
9 Well we 'll , we 'll see what happens with the Eyecron I think that 'll turn it off , but does n't then we must have another look , very
10 " I tell you I 'll have nothing to do with the place , " said Fiver .
11 The Marshal roared into the distance for Lorenzini and then said : ‘ It looks as if this might have nothing to do with the kidnapping . ’
12 Cynics have pointed out that this might have something to do with the toll .
13 OK , I suspect that Ms O'Connor 's motive for using the photo might have something to do with the sales of her last two singles .
14 But that might have something to do with the fact that I , myself , am Pakistani .
15 ‘ It might have something to do with the fact that there are too many distractions ! ’ she retorted .
16 ‘ Not to me , ’ Robyn murmured , hardly daring to hope that his lighter mood might have something to do with the fact that he really did like her work .
17 It might have something to do with the forthcoming general election when any smear will do .
18 ‘ I thought it might have something to do with the fact that when it emerged that I 'd received the letter , Ivy Cook would become persona non grata in the Miletti family . ’
19 He 'd make me sleep with the kids , then he 'd make me come back to bed with him , in and out all night .
20 Their manager 's distress on hearing the draw could have something to do with the fact that Messiahs are not usually expected to rework old miracles .
21 The fact that Hitler was out of Germany , at the Führer Headquarters in the east , and engaged in the conduct of the war against the Bolshevik arch-enemy — a war which he had long prophesied as inevitable in order to defend Christian Europe — evidently made it unthinkable for many that he could have anything to do with the ‘ godless Bolshevism ’ of the brownshirts at home .
22 She told herself sternly that the time had passed when sympathy , hope , tender care , even love could have anything to do with the figure on the bed .
23 She raised her eyes , saw his glance rake over her face , and was certain he was discounting entirely that her blush could have anything to do with the fact that , after being nearly naked in his arms , she was feeling a trifle uncomfortable at seeing him again .
24 I could hear them fumbling with the ladder at the window .
25 They walked regardless of the weather : on early spring mornings when the sky was remote and pale as a plover 's egg ; on stormy autumn afternoons when they felt they could reach up and touch the lowering clouds that covered the land like a bruise ; and on frozen winter days when the sky was a white membrane stretched so tight that they could imagine it cracking with the cold .
26 She finds it hard to explain why , but ponders that it may have something to do with the religious faith she grew up with .
27 All this may have something to do with the conference 's unpublicised preliminary meeting which was held in London at the beginning of October .
28 The fact that Limone is so relaxing may have something to do with the proven fact that statistically , the residents of Limone live longer , with lower incidents of stress or heart disease !
29 It may have something to do with the different preparation and coating techniques of the lacquer painters .
30 Compton-Hall believes it may have something to do with the strong magnetic field found inside .
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