Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some doubts may arise by considering the following problem .
2 For one thing , the government may baulk at giving the financial guarantee .
3 While some linguists may concentrate on determining the formal properties of a language , the discourse analyst is committed to an investigation of what that language is used for .
4 The received wisdoms that to restrict the use of secure accommodation we should concentrate on refining the relative legislative criteria must be challenged .
5 Instead , companies should concentrate on tapping the growing flow of new technology coming out of Japan .
6 ‘ There is a lot of work still to do in this match and we must concentrate on getting the right total in our second innings .
7 And most countries should benefit from copying the few nations who have introduced legislation banning companies from manufacturing drinks-cans in two different metals — as this makes recycling harder .
8 A particular feature of such a view of what is just is that any attempt to translate it into practice must begin by favouring the weakest and the least advantaged , since these are the people least likely to have the opportunity to enjoy an equal share of what we have , and are thus most in need of help .
9 We have published guidance which every Department must use in assessing the environmental impact of its policies and programmes .
10 Up at HM Systems Plc in North London , they innocently ran a letter through the thing , and once they had stopped chortling , they rang us to advise that people should stick to calling the new chip the 80586 in any correspondence they give to their secretary unless they 're confident that , in the words of Larry Hart , she 's a broad with a broad , broad mind .
11 The United Kingdom Beveridge report echoed the theme in more prosaic language : ‘ Social insurance should aim at guaranteeing the minimum income needed for subsistence ’ ( quoted Rimlinger , 1971 , p. 149 ) .
12 Not , ’ he added , his voice hardening , ‘ that I should dream of addressing the young scoundrel !
13 That a movement beginning as a breakaway group within Judaism should end by capturing the imperial palace could hardly have been foreseen by the Emperors Tiberius or Nero .
14 In the hospitals , for example , a Minister of Health who is trying to do his duty must aim at increasing the corporate sense , morale and public esteem of the service , because he knows that this will be one of the ways of raising standards .
15 The father came before the judge on an ex parte application designed to return the boy , A. , to the family , to protect the other three children and to preserve the status quo pending a decision by the judge as to where the children should live by making the appropriate applications for a residence order and so on .
16 Where the demised property is part only of a building the right should extend to entering the demised property for the purpose of repairing other parts of the building not included in the demise .
17 Example 103 , from No. 7 of Karg-Elert 's Interludes in Various Keys for organ , shows a mixture of diatonic and chromatic substitution notes typical of this composer : The student will be able to analyse this for himself , but he should beware of treating the second chord in the penultimate bar , or the first chord in the last bar , as triads in their own right .
18 You can only carry out remedial action one step at a time , so you must start by removing the primary cause of the trouble , and that is the polluted water .
19 After playing through figs 2–5 you should continue by applying the same approach to as many different chord types/voicings as you can .
20 Chairman , I think I should say in proposing the proposed Policy E two it should be stressed the County Council 's not seeking to introduce a policy of restraint and restriction on the development which attempts to mirror that already applying within any of the nationally designated areas .
21 It is a common enough feature of Hebrew poetry to make it worth asking of every parallelistic couplet whether any gain in understanding may result from applying the present concept to it .
22 While the new law may succeed in exposing the burgeoning volume of ‘ Indian theme ’ objects coming to the US , in the fine arts it has sent some Indian artists on the warpath .
23 I suggested that he might think of removing the last three syllables from his name , which he did by deed poll .
24 And what would you say to a fourteen year old girl who might be watching this who might think of doing the same thing ?
25 In short , while accepting that no conclusive view on the effects of the separation of ownership and control is possible , it is important to enquire what contribution the law and structural reform might make to closing the disciplinary gap .
26 If you 've got big heavy strings on an acoustic , you ca n't bend them around , so you 'll concentrate on getting the best possible tone from those big strings .
27 For example , after the initiating event the electrical power system might succeed in supplying the essential power needs , or it might fail ; if it succeeds then the ECCS might succeed or fail ; and if this fails , then the fission-product scrubbing system , which removes radioactive material that has been released into the reactor 's containment building , might succeed or fail ; finally if this fails then the containment , the ultimate barrier preventing fission products escaping into the environment , might succeed or fail .
28 Or the allies might succeed in overrunning the French right , and roll up their line before the issue in the centre was decided .
29 Then I 'll see about doin' the 'ot water bottles for yer . ’
30 If biologists wanted to know how an organism such as the human body worked , they might begin by examining the various parts such as the brain , lungs , heart and liver .
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