Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Unless the mutation has become established , it is extremely rare for such forms to be found in the wild , although they must occur from time to time .
2 Any thoughtful linguist must wonder from time to time if such a legacy can have been shaken off completely in the relatively short time during which scientific linguistics has existed .
3 The following three forms of rates of interest may be regarded as suitable for use where it is envisaged that the rate of interest should fluctuate from time to time according to market rates :
4 However pissed off we might get from time to time though , we 're going to have to accept that Wilko is at Elland Rd to stay .
5 He might visit from time to time should a story miserable enough to write about crop up , but there was no way he was going to edit the paper from there .
6 The list is comprehensive and correct at the time of publication , but additions and deletions may occur from time to time .
7 No attempt should be made to use monetary policy to offset any disturbances which may occur from time to time .
8 The psychiatrist was called Mr Rose and was , as far as Marcus could remember from time to time , medium in height , medium brown in colouring and with a medium tenor voice when he spoke , which was infrequently .
9 In general Keynesians recognized that changes in W could occur from time to time , but the factors influencing these changes were extrinsic to the equations of the income-expenditure model .
10 He had handled many issues with skill and public spirit and good feeling , but he had no publicly recognized parcel of achievement which he could open from time to time and contemplate with satisfaction .
11 She is one of several on whose services I may call from time to time .
12 In education , as in other disciplines , bodies of opinion may develop from time to time which present an unusually sharp challenge to accepted wisdom .
13 Interest rates may vary from time to time in line with the general level of interest rates .
14 However , the reorganization of water resources may lead to the use of lower.quality water or , as is worse from the textile finishers ' point of view , water that may vary from time to time .
15 Secondly , the parties should be aware that the items taken into account in compiling the index may vary from time to time .
16 The motives influencing a particular individual may change from time to time , and their relative importance may also vary , depending on the situation .
17 They may change in location over time .
18 to obtain the above for employees of other institutions whom the Executive Committee may admit to membership from time to time ;
19 For him , Bridgnorth would always be associated with the antics of a ghost that obviously liked railway engines and would appear from time to time to warn of impending accidents .
20 They would appear from time to time and taunt the old couple , reminding them of their past lives and the failures or mistakes which had brought them to the castle ( though never detailing them — neither Quiss nor Ajayi knew what the other had done to justify sending them here .
21 Thus even if separate communities had begun with similar ways , it is likely that the processes of structuration would lead to divergence over time .
22 Nicholas would go to London from time to time to buy whatever was needed and served on a committee for Virginia .
23 I promised to see that Constanza would get to Brussels on time , and he promised to take me behind the scenes of the art world .
24 A woman would come from time to time and take my money and bring me clothes and food .
25 claims will arise for extensions of time and money .
26 But seriously , vacancies will arise from time to time in all areas within the company .
27 There are other arguments that have been made along the same general lines , to the effect that to capture regular processes ( e.g. syntactic regularities ) one must refer to pragmatic concepts ( see e.g. Ross , 1975 ) , arguments that will arise from time to time in the Chapters below .
28 How much further will depend upon pressures of time and cost .
29 The Parliament Act provides merely that the life of Parliament will end by effluxion of time , five years to the day after its first meeting , only if it has not previously been dissolved by the monarch and , these days , it invariably is .
30 This commitment to shared worlds is in fact socially contingent and will vary from time to time and between different communicators .
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