Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 During the pregnancy certain problems may arise such as the decrease in income due to the loss of work or interference of exams , how difficult could it become , raising a child with little financial support ?
2 ( 2 ) The Company may require a member to furnish any information , document or other matter which the Directors may think necessary for the purpose of enabling the Company to comply with the Rules and the member shall furnish the information , document or other matter required within such period as may be determined by the Directors .
3 ( 2 ) The Company may require a member to furnish any information , document or other matter which the Directors may think necessary for the purpose of enabling the Company to comply with the Rules and the member shall furnish the information , document or other matter required within such period as may be determined by the Directors .
4 If Zbo did rescue some of the earlier work , that may explain some of the muddle about the authenticated chronology of Modigliani 's work .
5 Figure 16–3 implies that cutting income tax rates may eliminate some of the deadweight burden of distortionary taxation , but governments should probably expect their tax revenue to decline if such policies are put into effect .
6 You may treat this as an order . ’
7 Cabomba ( Cabomba Caroliniana ) In the aquarium Cabomba can reach 24″ in height , although it may double this in the wild .
8 We may contrast these with the broadening , expansive effect of the long vowels and monosyllables in " enormous dome of the sky " ( 3 ) .
9 Teenagers get extra bolshie and may fall foul of the law .
10 It is clear , therefore , that rules of English law which restrict access to courts , tribunals and remedies may fall foul of the principle of effective protection recognized by EC law ; and the greater the restriction , the more likely is it to do so .
11 This is a speculative proposal , merely , and it may fall foul of the fact that in our image-ridden culture reading is difficult , and literary texts still demand to be read , rigorously and carefully .
12 Right , let's , let , let's pursue that for a minute .
13 Here , the shapely Am Bodach makes you ache to carry on , and although it looks sharp but simple , there is quite a vertigo-inducing section of easy scrambling at the top that may catch those without a head for heights unawares .
14 In other cases , original cornice detail may survive intact behind a box fascia — this is often the case in turn-of-the-century shopping parades .
15 Where the original text exploits typographical variety , a text reproduced in one type-face may lack some of the quality of the original .
16 While women party followers may know little about the history of Nazi Germany , they certainly regard Hitler as a hero and Mein Kampf is available in the bookshop of the largest middle-class shopping centre of San Salvador .
17 There is no evidence bearing on this suggestion and the matter must remain unresolved for the time being .
18 For commercial reasons the exact location of the areas targeted by the company must remain confidential for the time being .
19 The current density at the specimen must remain fixed during the observation period , and there is no direct way of measuring this in present CL devices .
20 Corals , which must remain close to the surface of the water because they contain symbiotic algae which photosynthesize , also tend to contain specific pigments to protect them from ultraviolet light .
21 While the unweaned child must remain preoccupied by the absence of the breast and his hunger for it , the successfully weaned individual is free to turn his attention to other means of satisfying his hunter , and will probably find that , as in the instructive case of agriculture , a judicious control of his appetite results in the long run in a lessened likelihood of hunger .
22 Hence most of the eggs from one season 's grazing must remain unhatched on the ground during the winter and only one generation is possible each year for the bulk of this species .
23 The perambulating juries contended that only the ‘ ancient demesne ’ of the Crown should remain subject to the Forest law .
24 The Criminal Law Revision Committee took the view that , if the law did try to restrict the offence in this way , it would inevitably legalize some cases which should remain contrary to the law .
25 It is important that the explanatory statement should remain accurate at the time at which it is voted upon at the court-ordered meeting .
26 Nevertheless , because the interannual variations in the Northern Hemisphere planetary wave amplitudes are considerably larger than the expected climatic variability , the chosen tropospheric forcing should remain realistic over the range of climate scenarios considered here .
27 So unless we are entirely convinced that there are no such organic wholes , we should remain open to the possibility that some of Moore 's organic unities are really organic wholes .
28 Plaintiffs must make available to the defence all documents in their possession which are relevant to the matters in dispute — and sometimes there will be found , amongst office memoranda and other internal documents , material which goes to justify the original allegation .
29 They said she must stay cheerful for the child 's sake .
30 Effective anthelmintic therapy of ewes during the fourth month of pregnancy should eliminate most of the worm burdens present at this time including arrested larval stages and in the case of ewes on extensive grazing , where nutritional status is frequently low , this treatment often results in improved general body condition .
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