Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [noun] [adj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mind thoo , ’ she added , ‘ Aah do n't know what thi faither 'll say ti such a colour .
2 Levy 's study concluded that including 5 per cent biofuel in all French fuel could cost £800 million a year , while reducing production of greenhouse gases by less than 1 per cent .
3 Sales of each could top $1 billion a year .
4 ‘ Clothing and shoe deals alone could approach $1 million a year .
5 Highlands and Islands Enterprise estimated yesterday it could mean £20 million a year until 1999 .
6 Using the 1986 figures , a 3 per cent levy on holdings over £100,000 would generate £3.7 billion a year .
7 The US would give $770 million a year from 1993 , with $270 million earmarked for forestry aid in support of its " Forests for the Future " initiative .
8 Speeches , aid pledges , reactions The UN Secretariat estimated that implementation of Agenda 21 would cost $350 billion a year .
9 Smithers calculates that to finance a corporate-sector deficit of ¥40 trillion at the current high corporate-borrowing rate of 5% ( almost 4% after inflation ) would cost ¥2 trillion a year .
10 Winston Churchill , a Conservative member of the committee , protested that redundancy and unemployment would cost £350 million a year .
11 It expressed the feelings of many with its claim : " In moral terms we are creditors ; and for that we shall pay $140 million a year for the rest of the twentieth century . "
12 That would raise £5 billion a year .
13 Mr Aspin said the new round of closures would save $3.1 billion a year in defence spending beginning in the year 2000 .
14 In 1976 the Department of Health and Social Security estimated that the total cost to central and local government funds of an equal pension age of 60 would exceed £2,000 million a year , or about £100 a worker .
15 If only one in 10 of those people cared for at home had instead to be looked after in residential institutions the additional public cost would exceed £1 billion a year .
16 The UN Fund for Population Activities ( UNFPA ) estimates that developing countries will need $9 billion a year by 2000 to fund population control programmes .
17 Regular contact with Compact schools as outlined in No. 10 and No. 12 above will give employers such a forum .
18 By 1999 , Brussels ' coffers will contain £64.4 billion a year .
19 The government 's commitment to recycle a quarter of the UK 's household waste by the end of the century will cost £200 million a year , according to government expert John Barton .
20 A major start has already been made with the agreement that Scottish Nuclear can store its spent fuel on site rather than send it to BNF 's reprocessing plant at Sellafield in Cumbria , which will save £45 million a year .
21 Washing up is a problem because of the business of having to fetch water and heat it up , so I do not bother much with tinned soup , which can make pans such a mess .
22 IT seems that home-owners are now being told they can save Pounds 2,000 a year if they rent rather than buy a property .
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