Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] see [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 It was pitch black ; she could scarcely see a hand in front of her .
2 She had felt sad watching as Tallis had slipped behind her , a figure on the shore , watching with concern but without understanding , since she had failed to place her Moondream mask across her face , and thus could not see the woman in the land .
3 Visibility was so poor that Defries could hardly see the runway in front of her .
4 In most of the examples discussed in this chapter , the finished product is a smooth curve which resembles what we might have drawn if we had smoothed the raw data by eye ; looking from the smooth back to the rough we could usually see the trend in the raw data .
5 Not surprisingly , many visitors to the area could also see no problem in picking wild flowers , or allowing dogs to run freely .
6 He got his head so low you could practically see the cleft in his buttocks .
7 But they could n't see a boy in a red shirt .
8 For one thing , she could n't see a thing in the blackout without her glasses ; and for another , the uniform was n't half attractive enough .
9 Dougal could n't see a television in the room .
10 Fielding suggested calling it Good Money in the States and Bad Money in Europe , but I could n't see the percentage in that .
11 It was clear from the reports that he was an insanely jealous man who , for example , ‘ made [ his wife ] walk with her head down so she could n't see the bulge in men 's trousers ’ .
12 But I really could n't see the sense in women wearing Armani by day and then letting someone else dress them by night . ’
13 I could n't see the point in reviving it — and I wondered whether anyone on stage could , either .
14 Could n't see the point in it .
15 If the Government 's agricultural land tenancy reform proposals go through , which I rather hope they do , it 'll be a little while yet , we could well see a change in the security of tenure issue , which might make it easier to achieve er , vacancy and vacant possession .
16 ‘ By the end of the fortnight you could certainly see the difference in the children and the orphanage ’ she said .
17 not only as to its erm very elaborate tracery patterns and and mythical beasts on it like that , around here , but also as to its colour cos although the original we found was actually blackened , when one took when I took a very powerful torch to it , you could actually see the colour in the crevices still , this red colour .
18 But , in contrast , they may partly see the ad in this way a number of times during quite a short period .
19 I am a new member of the RNLI , only joining in 1990 spurred into action by visiting the NE coast and seeing one or two of its lifeboats … £6 annual membership is very good value and could be increased , but £20 would possibly see a decline in numbers .
20 Ruth turned away and groped for her sunglasses and clamped them over her face so he would n't see the hurt in her eyes .
21 so erm I do n't er I would n't see the point in being too confrontational over an issue like that .
22 Kate turned away so that he would n't see the pain in her face .
23 No , I ca n't see a weekend in Paris improving the situation … with all that it would obviously lead to .
24 You 're so twisted with suspicion that you ca n't see a hand in front of your face without imagining there 's a dagger in it !
25 I ca n't see no sense in it .
26 You ca n't you ca n't see no blood in chicken you ca n't see no blood in fish .
27 You ca n't you ca n't see no blood in chicken you ca n't see no blood in fish .
28 I ca n't see the attraction in separating ourselves , anyway .
29 ‘ I ca n't see the sense in leaving all the work to you , when I have so much time on my hands . ’
30 I ca n't see the joy in competing in a league of 7000 .
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