Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] see [pron] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Cobalt 's mouth curved in his mischievous smile although she could only see her reflection in his lenses .
2 His friends could not see his face in the dark .
3 The visibility was so bad even after dawn that ‘ you could not see your fingers in front of your face ’ .
4 I could just see my face in it .
5 One such gillie , towards the end of his career , carried out his duties more by instinct than by reason : he had always been shortsighted , but , nearing retirement , he could hardly see his hand in front of his face .
6 He could still see her painting in the garden .
7 I had been polishing it for what seemed hours and you could now see your face in it perfectly .
8 I could n't see his expression in the dimness , only that he was still looking at Russell .
9 He just looked at Mr. Mendez , though you could n't see his eyes in the shadow of his hat brim .
10 ‘ Is it meaner than a dungeon so dark that you ca n't see your hand in front of your face ? ’
11 They would never see their parents in quite the same way again , and ironically it was apt that they should not , because Timothy Gedge had not told lies entirely .
12 ‘ If you should see me die , you will not see me die in that manner …
13 For although the chairman of the University Grants Committee , Edward Parkes , may have received his well-earned knighthood at the end of the year — in a batch meanly thin , as usual , on honours for the scientific community — many of the nation 's academics will never see their profession in the same rosy light .
14 What I did not realise when I bought the house was that in the winter , and sometimes in the summer , the fog rolls thickly in and you can not see your hand in front of your face .
15 File it alongside ‘ I 'll put you in motion pictures ’ , ‘ I could immortalise you in paint ’ , ‘ I can just see your neck in marble ’ , etc , etc .
16 You can hardly see your hand in front of your face and er I mean there was no way to fight the fire , so I mean all we could do was sort of stand back and look 'cos we were up There was about At that stage there was twenty or thirty of us standing in this north west corner of the platform .
17 However , this size of fretwire should please more of the people more of the time , and you ca n't deny that the fret job is superb ; the ends are so well finished you can almost see your reflection in them .
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