Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [be] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 David Clark thought there might be some need for review while Adrian Bird felt that a blanket prohibition should only be a starting point which should be used in conjunction with local knowledge .
2 The 29-year-old complained bitterly about pin positions , said it was stupid that players shooting scores of ‘ 101 and 98 ’ should be allowed to compete and claimed a tournament allowing such poor players should not be a Ryder Cup points-counting event .
3 It is not that redistributive taxation is wrong , or should not be a core part of any left programme .
4 They agree that there should not be a currency union before there has been much more economic convergence within the Community .
5 It does not mean , however , that he should not exercise his franchise and vote as he wishes at local government elections , but he should not be a party man otherwise his advice might be regarded as being tainted and the council as a whole , in the end , would cease to have confidence in his advice .
6 The CBI does not even go this far : Sir Michael Angus , its president , says that compliance with the code should not be a listing requirement because of excessive bureaucracy .
7 I 'm I 'm a little unclear exactly how much footloose allocation remains in Selby , I I er think I understand it to be quite small , taking account of , but I would simply say to the panel Leeds ' concern is that we should not be a counter focus in that corridor , which er most most greatly bear on our attempts to regenerate our inner areas and use our our many brown field sites .
8 In other words the five year housing land supply should not be the Structure Plan requirement plus an allowance of 60% .
9 Since p , V and U are all properties of a system , that is they are all state functions , it follows from the above equation that H must also be a state function .
10 The art director , as well as being an ideas man and a designer , must also be a sound technician because an advertisement has got to work , which means it must fill the allotted space attractively and effectively .
11 There should also be a Holiday Information Book in the reception area of your hotel giving full details , as well as helpful information about everything from stamps to church services , meal times to telephoning home .
12 Leaped ‘ There must now be a question mark over their future . ’
13 Your 17 day holiday to Czechoslovakia and Hungary must surely be the travel bargain of the nineties ’ .
14 The other disadvantage has to be that your ferret must then be a line ferret , and it then suffers the disadvantage of having to pull an obstruction , albeit a small one , around any snag that exists within the burrow .
15 In reception a stunning blonde girl who should either be a White House secretary or in Hollywood dishes out the keys .
16 The criteria for analysing work done must primarily be the job specification .
17 There are other signs that might lead you to believe that there 's things not as they might be , the legs may not be equal length particularly if only one is dislocated and that 's fairly obvious is n't it because the , the , the ball joint 's not in the socket and there 's a bigger gap so the leg hangs down longer and you 've all changed a baby have n't you and you see that they 've got little creases in the insides of their legs and across their buttocks , and those creases may not be a mirror matching they are normally , so those are clues .
18 However , if a farmer decides to let out , in return for money , some of the rooms in the farmhouse to friends , relatives and associates during the summer months , this may not be a material change of use and planning permission is not required : Blackpool Borough Council v. Secretary of State for the Environment 11980 ] 40 P & CR 104 ( QBD ) .
19 Such recycled water may not be a health hazard to the human population but it may be highly detrimental to fish .
20 This laughter may not be a safety valve reducing tension , but a device to conceal an urge to violence .
21 first , while registration may not be a priority point , failure to register , as we have seen , renders the charge void and therefore registration is a necessary , although not sufficient , condition to obtain priority ;
22 Liane deterrence may thus be a side benefit and it is possibly attained in other plants by different mechanisms as in the case of some tree ferns , where marcescent fronds may deter both lianes and epiphytes .
23 Juliana Hatfield might not be a gender warrior or fight city hall , but distances herself from the herd of two-bit supposedly alternative US bar-bands by being outwardly conservative and inwardly maverick .
24 Barring a last-minute volte-face by the MoD , the aircraft will then be at the mercy of the highest bidder , who might just be a scrap dealer .
25 they 'll still be a health service , but peo
26 After all , he 'll still be the WBC champion in the New Year . ’
27 After all , he 'll still be the WBC champion . ’
28 It 'll always be a sterling fund , but it can be moved into other currencies , or into gilts , as your fund obviously is .
29 There 'll also be the Pedigree Chum Professional and Fun Agility Challenge finals , the Pedigree Formula Working Dog of the Year Awards and the fun Flyball competition .
30 This might well be the word processor that puts WordStar right back on the map in the word processor stakes .
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