Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [pron] just [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look , could n't you just lend me some Thai money ?
2 Could n't you just drop it over the edge ? ’ suggested Patrick .
3 Why could n't she just ignore him ? she wondered despairingly .
4 It was cut low across the top and high above the thighs , and for a moment Lucy was stopped short by the thought that Jesus , it looked hell to wear , but would n't it just kill 'em on the disco floor back home ?
5 Would n't you just love it if you knew guys jerked off just looking at you ? ’
6 Today it 's the good old UK and rain , would n't you just know it ?
7 Why would n't she just tell him instead of giving those long , mournful glances ?
8 Why ca n't they just ransom me ?
9 Why ca n't they just tell you ?
10 Ca n't they just trim them ? ’
11 Ca n't we just leave it ? ’
12 Why ca n't we just have them in a loose-leaf binder with dividers in , and let the engineer decide how to hold documentation together ?
13 Ca n't we just back it along a bit so that Andrew can you know
14 Ca n't you just tell me what it is ?
15 Ca n't you just leave me alone for God 's sake ? ’
16 Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
17 ‘ Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
18 Why ca n't you just leave me alone ? ’
19 Why ca n't you just leave it on ?
20 Ca n't you just take me back to the life your friends stole me from ? ’
21 Ca n't you just take him out ?
22 And then , and then she goes , she goes ca n't you just ask him ?
23 Ca n't you just ask me about it ?
24 ‘ Why ca n't you just let me live my life how I want to ? ’
25 Why do I have to carry them around — why ca n't I just remember them ?
26 Why ca n't he just interview me , ask my experience as a waitress ?
27 Why wo n't he just admit he 's as bald as an egg ?
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