Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] a [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This provides that a court may only make a care order if it is satisfied that the child concerned is suffering significant harm .
2 Harry may only have a walk-on part at Birdland , but he 's still the star of the show .
3 A hotel may apply for a full on-licence ; on the other hand small establishments may merely have a restaurant licence or a residential licence .
4 But the development of continuing education must eventually have a backwash effect on initial professional education at the undergraduate stage .
5 ‘ Every climbing rope should only undergo a set number of falls before being thrown away , ’ explains Oag .
6 The file name must not contain a node name , device , directory , logical name or version number , eg :
7 The file name must not contain a node name , device , directory , logical name or version number , eg : CONTAINS-SOURCE-OF [ USERINTERFACE ] - PREFERRED-ISSUE-IN-FILE [ USINT.CRL ]
8 On the hearing of a debtor 's petition , the court must not make a bankruptcy order where the total of the debtor 's debts would be less than the " small bankruptcies level " , currently £20,000 , the minimum value of the debtor 's assets would be equal to or more than the " minimum amount " , currently £2,000 , the debtor has not been adjudicated bankrupt nor entered into any composition with his creditors or scheme of arrangement within the last five years and it would be appropriate to appoint an insolvency practitioner to prepare a report ( s 273 ) .
9 The court must not make a bankruptcy order unless it is satisfied that the debt , or one of the debts , in respect of which the petition was presented has not been paid nor secured or compounded for , or is a debt which the debtor has no reasonable prospect of being able to pay when it falls due ( s 271(1) ) .
10 A company 's name must not include a trade mark unless its owner 's consent is obtained .
11 Applicants should normally hold a teaching qualification .
12 Businesses searching for financial assistance can be start-ups or already trading , and should normally have a business plan .
13 And this man came to the door , and he went to get the hold belt , that should just have a tape recorder on conversation just throughout the week so it 's getting all sorts of rubbish going in there ,
14 Contact your doctor if you think you should not wear a seat belt on medical grounds .
15 On the one hand , the legislation should not become a hunting ground for lawyers whereby the court , on review , would have to interpret every minute point of law .
16 Is there any intrinsic reason why medicine should not adopt a sandwich pattern , or management a traditional , consecutive one ?
17 Young Arrowana should not have a yolk sac — and be seen feeding before purchase .
18 I see no reason why we should not have a pension scheme connected to restructuring , but the aid is supposed to affect the very small farms directly .
19 Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens , who wants to review the system , said : ‘ Parliament should not fund a millionaire lifestyle . ’
20 The increasing adoption of less intensive agriculture should further encourage a hare recovery .
21 If continued taking of the medicine does not produce remedy symptoms then the patient must still have a disease/energy disturbance that matches the disease producing capacity of the remedy .
22 His uncle 's birthday was noted , he must always have a Christmas present bought and sent in good time .
23 A slight body shift by the defender is undoubtedly the best form of defence against a strong punch from a much bigger and heavier opponent , though the defender should always have a backup block ready , in case the attack is only diverted , not completely sent off course .
24 The chief rule for any successful kitchen plan is that it should always follow a work diagram based on the sequence of operations .
25 A mains power supply should always include a mains transformer .
26 Does the Prime Minister agree that the elderly , sick and disabled should automatically receive a heating allowance every winter instead of having to go cap in hand to the Government ?
27 They must also pass a character test which is organized by the Netherlands Rottweiler Club .
28 Graduate students must also secure a college place , but each laboratory and the faculty board play the dominant role in determining whether the student is qualified to embark on postgraduate studies ; they also appoint the supervisor .
29 So , if the rational person thinks that the aggregate demand curve will be at AD 1 he must also expect a price level of P 2 .
30 You must also have a rent book , if you pay rent weekly , as proof of your financial transactions .
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