Example sentences of "[modal v] [pron] be [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On most boards the footstraps can be fitted when you improve so on no account should they be on the board when you learn as they can get in your way as you step around the board .
2 But why should they be in the hills ?
3 Could she be in the midst of a hideous fantasy ?
4 Were they really placed as milestones or could we be on the track of the elusive mark stones of great antiquity ?
5 ‘ What other reason could there be for a girl who looks like you doing your job ? ’
6 We therefore have to know : what sort of presence could there be of a God to whom there applied none of the limitations that applied to finite human existence ?
7 What better evidence could there be of a nation at ease with itself ?
8 Could they be in the dark , waiting for her ?
9 How could it be with the clown candidate Ross ‘ I 'm All Ears ’ Perot .
10 Of what interest could it be to the man where her father was born ?
11 Ca n't it , could it be in the quality manual , rather than erm , have a procedure about how to write a proce , when to start and have a pro .
12 It was a bit like having someone rub you with suntan cream , yet it was n't like that at all — how could it be in the dark ?
13 In particular , what effect will it have on patrolling officers ' discretionary decisions ( whether to prosecute or verbally advise an offending motorist ) , what consequences may there be for the management and monitoring of these discretionary enforcement practices by supervisory officers , and what implications are there for Force training
14 ‘ Why would she be at a hotel ? ’
15 To the bishops , she explained that she needed Protestant support to get the crown matrimonial for the dauphin ; then would she be in a position to combat heresy .
16 Would she be like the Misses Cardings , the three spinster ladies who kept the hat shop beyond the tobacconist 's ?
17 Mm Amy would you be on the committee ?
18 Would when would you be in a position to clarify , to your colleagues never mind anybody else , when would you be in a position to clarify which way forward ?
19 Would when would you be in a position to clarify , to your colleagues never mind anybody else , when would you be in a position to clarify which way forward ?
20 Would you be in the bank or that ? his father probed .
21 But then I thought , Where would we be without the night watchmen of the world , guys with the talent to ignore totally what 's staring the rest of us in the eyeballs and tell us , in a good firm voice , preferably with a couple of well-chosen statistics how well it all is ?
22 ‘ But where would we be without the farmer and the bus-driver ?
23 How many crew would there be on the Brandon ?
24 With England , Scotland , Wales and Ulster seen as provinces like Saxony or Aquitaine , what role would there be for the Government or Parliament of the United Kingdom ?
25 So if we change them all into quarters how many quarters would there be in a half ?
26 Okay how many twelfths would there be in the quarter ?
27 Soon she would herself be in the market for a new home , and , though she and Boyd could not hope to outdo a contractor like the Mayor building for himself , she could pick up a few ideas and have them incorporated into their new house in Vanier Heights .
28 communist with the , the Kuomintang I mean , wo would they be of the opinion that revolution should happen , but maybe they , they would be thinking more in terms of an urban revolution or would they be er very similar opinion to the Kuomintang , you know
29 There was only the merest hiatus before the breasts-in-question 's husband said , ‘ What would they be to an accountant ? ’
30 I wonder , therefore , if I could ask you to take only one copy — would it be for the IBM/CMS or the Sun/3 with UNIX configuration ?
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