Example sentences of "[modal v] [pron] [vb infin] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 erm , first twelve weeks pregnant so should I mark at the bottom when she types .
2 Why the hell should I look at the roof except to see if there was a satellite TV dish .
3 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
4 Mrs St Albyn had before long heard the unpleasant rumours concerning the new tenants at Alfoxden , and ordered , in spite of Tom Poole 's intercession , that on no account should they remain at the mansion beyond the following midsummer .
5 Could I look at the equipment ? ’
6 Could you look at The Anniversary this is all in the Craig edition , okay ?
7 Could you look at the distribution of T okay .
8 Could we start at the beginning ?
9 Could we look at the night of the murder , last Thursday ? ’
10 Would ye look at the state o' this stuff ? ’
11 ‘ What would you do at the end of that time ? ’
12 Shall we gather at the dentist .
13 Will you pay at the cash desk check out .
14 Will you call at the house ?
15 The Elizabethan nobleman who defended the episcopate because , " As they shoot at bishops now , so will they do at the nobility also , if they be suffered " , was not wide of his mark .
16 Nor can I look at the way in which this view of faith and reason has influenced contemporary Christian thinking , both mainstream and among the evangelical or fundamentalist groups where it is most in evidence .
17 Can I look at the telly ?
18 Doubt can play a very useful role in resisting credulity and naivety , but to argue that only if you doubt can you arrive at the truth ( a position of scepticism ) is to disregard the question of what is to be known .
19 Can you park at the back ?
20 I was proud of getting accepted , particularly at St Martin 's because it was such a good art school , but Fine Art seemed a fast road to nowhere What kind of job can you get at the end of that ?
21 Again , please can you look at the situation and see what can be done .
22 Well I hope you enjoyed this morning now what I want to do this afternoon , we 're gon na break for lunch now and then can we reconvene at the syndicate rooms at two o'clock
23 Can can , can we look at the skills and abilities ?
24 Before we move on , let's just have a look at those numerical estimates , can we look at the coefficients on income , notice that in this model because we 've logged both dependent and the independent variables , right , the coefficients that we estimate are elasticities , right , so we can read those coefficients off directly as elasticities and that 's the case for any model in which all the variables are logged right , in er , if we did n't log the data , in order to calculate the elasticity we have to multiply a coefficient the computer gives us by a erm price quantity ratio , price less , less part of the income constant ratio to obtain the income elasticities .
25 Bill , can we look at the record
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