Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [adj] that many [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I am not sure that many authorities appreciate this . ’
2 It is not surprising that many citizens ‘ banned and cursed her ’ , nor is it wholly surprising that there were some among them prepared to give her money to go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of St James of Compostella in Spain .
3 It is not surprising that many beginners find such text bewildering .
4 Considering the additional confusion caused by much industrial nomenclature , with many trivial and trade names , it is not surprising that many formulators prefer to stick with what they know and trust .
5 It is not surprising that many professionals involved in education are rather dispirited and disillusioned at this time .
6 A recent report of the Institute of Directors on the professional development of directors ( 1990 ) led a spokesman to say that ‘ it is not surprising that many boards do an adequate rather than an excellent job ’ ( quoted in The Independent , 1990 ) .
7 Moreover , given the fact that classes have always been much larger in primary schools than elsewhere , and that primary teachers have persistently urged the need to improve pupil-teacher ratios , it is not surprising that many heads saw the opportunities afforded by PNP only in terms of smaller classes .
8 It is not surprising that many inmates want to give up their appeals .
9 Given the strong emphasis on children with special educational needs during the early days of PNP it was not surprising that many collaborations concentrated their attention on these children .
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