Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [vb pp] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not married at the moment , but I am looking forward to a very happy future with Natasha 's father .
2 Moreover , in these models , if the firms have different and non-constant marginal costs , a further source of inefficiency is that total market output will be produced at more than minimum total cost — the marginal costs of firms are not equalized at the equilibrium .
3 Although the two systems are not integrated at the moment , they will be eventually .
4 The ever increasing volume of legislation must inevitably result in ambiguities of statutory language which are not perceived at the time the legislation is enacted .
5 But it is imperative that savings are not made at the expense of those the legal aid system exists to serve .
6 ‘ We are not joined at the hip , ’ Cabochon said , and smiled bitterly .
7 Actual flight numbers are not known at the time of going to press .
8 We see each other every now and again , but we are n't joined at the hip like Siamese twins , you know . ’
9 If the witnesses are n't killed at the time , then they are often murdered at a later date , or frightened off with violent threats .
10 The colleges have always taken the view that accreditation was not a prerequisite for appointment ; a recent survey revealed that approximately one third of physicians were not accredited at the time of their appointment .
11 However , since those changes were not finalised at the date of going to press and further revisions are possible in the light of comments it is not appropriate to review them here .
12 Similarly , mental hospitals were not built at the suggestion of psychiatrists , and psychiatrists have not been responsible as a profession for their run-down and closure .
13 Leading anti-whaling nations such as Ireland , France and New Zealand were not represented at the Madrid meeting .
14 The effect of the Acts ‘ was to remove legal immunity from almost all forms of industrial action that were not aimed at the worker 's immediate employer or related conditions of work ’ .
15 Courtney 's accident happened on the very first lap when he was in the lead at Mather 's Cross between Coleraine and Portrush and he was taken to hospital although his injuries were not known at the course .
16 Details of the materials in the chapel were not known at the time the official report into the £60 million blaze was put together .
17 I pulled my skirt up a little but he said he 'd have to see higher than that to make sure my legs were n't bowed at the knees so I did as I was told .
18 It was decided that perhaps they had outlived their use and they were n't served at the reception .
19 Actually we were n't married at the time , so we had to get married straight away and find some money to buy a house and so on , and Daddy had to give up acting and find a real job , one that brought in a regular income .
20 You were n't expected at the tennis courts at all , were you ? ’
21 If the employment contract is not renewed at the end of the 2 year period benefit should not be paid as the policy wordings exclude ‘ unemployment which arises at the normal termination date of a fixed term contract ’ .
22 You are further required as a condition of this appointment to accept that if the appointment is not renewed at the end of the period referred to then you would not be entitled to claim any redundancy payment under the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 or under any analogous provisions , should your appointment not be renewed at the end of the period referred to .
23 ( 11 ) If a licensing board is not elected at the time at which it ought to be elected , or an insufficient number of members is elected for a board , the Secretary of State may by order provide for the holding of an election or elections for supplying such fault or deficiency in election at such times and in such manner as he may think expedient .
24 Oxford University yesterday stated emphatically that a zoologist called Dr John Baker , quoted in the letter , is not employed at the university .
25 Add to this the small but unnecessary morbidity associated with dilatation and curettage , and most people would agree that this procedure is not indicated at the time of a routine sterilisation .
26 If this bracing action is not achieved at the top of the backswing , it will be caused either by the right foot folding over on its side during the backswing , or the right knee moving out of alignment with the toes , before or when you arrive at the top of the swing .
27 We must be careful that the harmonisation of individual legislatures is not achieved at the expense of those groups with little economic power .
28 It should also be noted that although candidates may be admitted initially as prospective students for honours , admission to the honours courses is not guaranteed at the outset but depends on performance in classes taken in the first two , or in some cases three , years .
29 The accused is not guilty of that offence if force or threat of force is not used at the time of the theft .
30 As a synonym is not held at the address the program has computed , a further search is needed to find it .
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