Example sentences of "[be] [adv prt] in the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 We 're up in the air and our school 's down there
2 Well that thing 's pretty easy if you 're doing it on the beach but what if you 're out in the water and it suddenly gusts up .
3 You know the bit when they 're out in the garden and he goes , he goes , why are you back ?
4 Just a , I find that she almost looks as if she 's been out in the sun and that it sort of looks like very strong sunlight on her face which is a shame really .
5 I did n't , it was so cold yesterday , we 'd been out in the morning and I decided to put him in his cot , on the odd occasion I do , do , he 's gone to sleep without any problems
6 Now Norwich are back in the hunt and ca n't be ruled out . ’
7 A little while ago children were expected to be down in the mines and underneath textile machinery , so they were n't actually treated as children , they were erm wager earners at a very low age , as soon as they could be walking they were doing a job , so I feel that we 're all children in fact , there is no great division between being a child and being an adult , and we in fact ca n't always cope with what 's happening and the shocks infect .
8 It was wonderful to be up in the air and to feel the air swishing past his face .
9 It was a warm May day and everybody seemed to be out in the street or standing on their steps .
10 Apple Computer Inc yesterday introduced its first CD-ROM-based multimedia product , PowerCD , a three-in-one player for CD-ROM , photo CD and audio compact disks : it will be out in the summer but was not priced .
11 ‘ I 'm a firm believer in breastfeeding and intend to feed Jake until he 's at least a year old but he has a bottle of formula milk when I 'm out in the evening and drinks from a spouted cup at mealtimes — usually pure juice because there 's no added sugar . ’
12 Lights were on in the shops and houses as Rain and Oliver approached the Bar de la Marine .
13 They were out in the street and making their way back to Cotton Lane , and Billy had obviously decided to walk beside her as far as possible .
14 And that meant in many cases , that the toilets were out in the garden and one toilet was serving about four houses .
15 Calving and kidding times were chosen so that milk production was at a peak when skiers and tourists were around in the spring and summer .
16 Well one of you on cleaning fruit , getting all the stalks and stones out of the fruit , we used to have a sieve , not a riddle , a sieve with round , the wires were round in the sieve and you rub it , and the stalks would drop through and then you 'd put them out onto an iron baking sheet and sort out all the stones that and little bits that were in the fruit and you 'd be on cleaning fruit you might be one day , the other whichever one was the you 'd be cleaning and greasing baking tins , ready for the baker to put the cakes in or what have you , and then at night we used to grease all the bread tins ready for men to be allowed to drop the dough into the bread tins , and er stuff like that and cleaning up scrubbing down and
17 so he 's up in the air and they do this .
18 And his mother 's up in the plane and she she says erm I 'm sure we 've forgotten something !
19 Ray Parlour , 19 , is back in the squad and is likely to be on the substitutes ' bench .
20 The good news is that she is back in the studio and discussing a new recording contract with Island .
21 However , the Ryder Cup is back in the States and if the match were ever extended to , say 24 players , instead of 12 , then I have not the slightgest doubt that America would win every time .
22 However , the Ryder Cup is back in the States and if the match were ever extended to , say 24 players , instead of 12 , I have not the slightest doubt that America would win every time .
23 He 's back in the helicopter and back off home , and we 're still standing there .
24 Does n't that sort of bring in to the country and she 's out in the country and she wants to show it to them that she she 's sort of she 's still fashionable .
25 It even covers your garden furniture , whether it 's out in the garden or inside the shed .
26 I was down in the workshops and I 've run a great splinter into my thumb . ’
27 However , about ten o'clock the police car come up into the close and I was up in the workshop and I says to him I says , aye , I says , have you found Charlie ?
28 It was up in the morning and back to school .
29 He 'd been married about two months when he went to bed one night and woke up the next morning and he was back in the field and 17 again .
30 She was back in the present and she knew how best to fill every moment of it .
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