Example sentences of "[be] [that] this [is] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may well be that this is a weakness inherent in any scheme for SSE , with its characteristic assumptions of egalitarianism and fraternity .
2 It could be that this is a time marked by a dearth of characters , or that the smart people in rock are n't interested in self-projection but in obliterating themselves in noise .
3 If the feminist folklinguistic belief that women are less or differently logical than men is a matter of content , it could be that this is the sort of thing feminists have in mind .
4 This latter is perhaps the most noteworthy from Cognos ' viewpoint , since early indications were that this is a port brought forward from 1993 .
5 My opinion is that this is a bit harsh and narrow sighted — in the long run Norway will be better if their players get wide experience in good leagues around the world .
6 Erm , what 's worth reading about that , and it comes out strongly in the introduction , is that this is a kind of case stu study of a particular kind of person .
7 I do n't see the SAS stopping its campaigning until the sewage problem is completely dealt with — the good thing is that this is a problem that does have a solution .
8 The joy of it all is that this is a resort which is peaceful — you can hear the Atlantic waves breaking on the seashore .
9 The complicating difficulty , however , is that this is a statement from before the war .
10 Well er to me it does n't matter s er that much , what I 'm concerned about is that this is a matter of public interest , it should n't just be a matter of professional interest and it 's for these reasons I think the government should take a rather more lively interest er than perhaps it does .
11 The first is that this is a gap which must be filled by reference to the applicable law under general conflict-of-laws rules .
12 So what we 've got to say to the County Council I would suggest is that this is a training course similar to those we always got release for branch officials and shop stewards so why should you turn your nose up at this training course ?
13 But what I am saying in context , no this has a deal to do with the co boundaries , as you know erm the honourable member well knows , the essence of this this is wholly inappropriate in terms of erm trying to latest citizenship through an arrangement of six additional boundaries into a erm union and a political state and I think that that is the profound objection that this side of the house has expressed over a long period of time now , is a reflection of the public mood in the country in respect of this election and the way the boundaries er are are erm apportioned and all I say in conclusion is that this is an evidence further of the irrelevance of this house in reflecting and attesting to public opinion outside .
14 His defence of his ‘ diverness ’ is that this is the way he experiences the world , others treat him differently all the time ( especially the figure addressed in the sonnet ) and he responds in kind .
15 What she does n't realise is that this is the widow of the doctor who shot himself after Claire complained of sexual abuse at his hands .
16 My view is that this is the work of the Holy Spirit , planting hundreds of small , vital congregations in schools , pubs , gyms ; wherever a hall can be hired .
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