Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] from the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Work on the launch and the focus of the appeal is close to completion and we are benefitting from the good offices of our advertising industry contacts .
2 Overseas candidates who are applying from the following countries are advised to submit their applications to UCCA through the appropriate overseas students ' office in London as listed in an appendix to the UCCA handbook : Cyprus , Ghana ( private candidates only ) , Guyana , India , Luxembourg , Mauritius , Tanzania and Thailand .
3 Overseas candidates who are applying from the following countries are advised to submit their application to UCAS through the appropriate overseas students ' office in London listed in the UCAS handbook : Cyprus , Ghana ( private candidates only ) , Guyana , India , Luxembourg , Mauritius , Tanzania , Thailand .
4 In addition , there are the policies that they have been advocating from the Front Bench this afternoon on the European social action programme , a national statutory minimum wage and trade union law reform , which would make it easier to strike and to have more frequent and more damaging strikes .
5 This is a unique feeling as instead of your arms pulling on the boom , you are looking from the other side of the sail and pushing .
6 I mean I wonder if we should be spending this much money on another wedding type advertising until we 've really had time to evaluate what we 're getting from the bridal magazine .
7 I think it provides very good value for money , er , I think it will give Shropshire workers some of the protection that they 're lacking from the statutory instruments that are being removed , and from the labour market conditions they face , and erm , maybe er , a , a , some successful operations by this er , low pay unit would , would , would improve , improve the position in Shropshire , and maybe er , get employers to , to improve the er , conditions and wages that they offer , so I would certainly support er , option two .
8 You 're detracting from the real issue of their needs .
9 About 7,000 of the jobs are going from the traditional ICI business , while the other 2,000 will go from Zeneca .
10 I do hope that you are having an enjoyable summer break from your classes , and that you are benefiting from the glorious weather we are having this year .
11 From the outset Headline has considered WHS to be the centre of its market , though the fast growing non-fiction list with such successes as Raymond Blanc 's Cooking for Friends has greatly strengthened its sales through chains such as Waterstones and Dillons , and the mass market paperbacks are benefiting from the increased sales of paperbacks generally in supermarkets .
12 The opposite side of the coin is that group personnel directors or chief executives are moving from the corporate world to join executive search firms which can offer a wholly different but very satisfying way of earning a living .
13 Though all are feeding from the same source , and to some degree feed on whatever is most plentiful , competition is minimized by selective feeding ; Croxall and Lishman ( 1987 ) and Prince and Morgan ( 1987 ) summarize methods of feeding respectively among penguins and petrels in southern waters .
14 ‘ Mike , ’ he said , ‘ I wonder if we have n't been starting from the wrong end .
15 The sounds are coming from the en-suite bathroom .
16 Our supplies this year are coming from the local Butterknowle Brewery , the North Yorkshire Brewery in Middlesbrough , the Hambleton Brewery and the Hadrian Brewery in Byker , Newcastle .
17 They can distinguish between two sounds which are only 18 inches apart at a distance of 60 feet ; they can separate with ease two sounds that are coming from the same direction , but at different distances ; and they can differentiate two sounds that have only a half-tone of difference between them .
18 Mr John Goldring , QC , prosecuting , said Allitt had been suffering from the attention-seeking illness Munchausen 's Syndrome by Proxy .
19 The Greater London Council and Metropolitan County Councils have been abolished and local authorities are reeling from the cumulative effects of government interference , rate capping , and the poll tax .
20 We have already experienced the abolition of free eye and dental checks , we are suffering from the creeping privatization of the Health Service , the selling off of our water , our crumbling schools , and yet we have to concentrate on the issue of trade union , Labour Party links .
21 ‘ He tells us we are suffering from the British disease of self-deprecation — the British people 's instinct for talking the country down .
22 But would you be writing from the right address ?
23 It seemed to be operating from the back room of a house .
24 It seemed to be heading from the far side of his grandfather 's bed towards the door .
25 The People 's Party should also be benefiting from the little-noticed collapse of the Democratic and Social Centre ( CDS ) , a party that took votes away from it at the general election in 1989 .
26 The blue component of incoming solar radiation is scattered so severely that it appears to our eyes to be coming from the entire sky .
27 The pressure now , though , seemed to be coming from the Moslem side .
28 The slim , attractive 25-year-old is believed to be suffering from the same bulimia eating disorder as the Princess of Wales .
29 Most people regard the sex act as a uniquely personal activity and find difficulty in imagining that anyone else could be suffering from the same problems as themselves .
30 The panel sat mesmerized until it slowly began to dawn that the applicant appeared to be suffering from the old Fleet Street problem of being tired and emotional .
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