Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [adv] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have n't that much experience of working with thirteen to fourteen year olds , so we have been collaborating closely with the teachers in devising what could go into each lecture .
2 But now other countries , particularly Korea and Japan , are competing successfully with the result that Britain and Clydeside have fewer orders .
3 We are pressing ahead with the Birmingham northern relief road and western orbital route .
4 BLACKPOOL : Conservatives are meeting here with the pound sliding around their ears .
5 Over half the severely disabled elderly are living only with the spouse and exactly half the spouses caring for an elderly disabled partner are men .
6 When you 're working in the shop er and you 're helping perhaps with the slaughtering and things like that
7 We 're going ahead with the presentation of prizes now . ’
8 In the end we got what we wanted and we 're working closely with the police .
9 English Estates are moving ahead with the development of Chatham Maritime and although Mr. Ault assured me that the plaintiff did not wish to drive the dock company away , its operation is clearly less of a godsend than in 1983 and the desire is to curtail it .
10 Absolutely not , I think there 's a strong sense in the Party that moving forward with our traditional values , that what we have to do is to apply those traditional values to a very changed world , things are very different now from when the Labour Party was formed , or even from when the Labour Party was last in government , so that we keep our sense of values , they are what grounds us , but what makes us an effective government in the future is the fact that we are moving forward with the times , and the increasing representation of women is one of the things which is about moving us forward , and moving with the times .
11 Devon had been romping away with the section , but by the beginning of August had seen their lead whittled away , with Oxfordshire emerging as a growing and serious threat to their supremacy , 20 points behind but with two matches in hand .
12 Ipswich Town are running away with the championship , but six teams are involved in the race for runners-up .
13 More immediately , at a stage of the season when Rangers are running away with the championship , there may be a reluctance to go public with an announcement confirming that the relegation issue is also a dead duck .
14 He is understood to be pressing ahead with the rest of the agenda set by his predecessor , Mr Douglas Hurd , including a white paper proposing less use of imprisonment for non-violent offenders .
15 Group manager Terry Burgess tells us that the group are ecstatic over their ‘ break ’ into the national press , and will be surging ahead with the preparations for their forthcoming vinyl release .
16 I am reserving your request for a copy of the tape until I hear from you , and would appreciate knowing whether you or NEC Central Lab will be going ahead with the order .
17 Murphy wanted her to stay by the first fire of the autumn and be waiting there with the tea table , as Aunt Emily had always done ; but he knew , after just over two months of Alexandra 's rule , that it was pointless even to look his disapproval .
18 Recently , though , and certainly on some of the films , you seem to be conducting more with the eyes open .
19 The feet should both be pointing forward with the arms placed in front of the body , as though one were driving a car .
20 5.8.2 Immediately to repair cleanse maintain and paint the Premises as required by such notice [ 5.8.3 If within [ one month ] of the service of such a notice the Tenant shall not have commenced and be proceeding diligently with the execution of the work referred to in the notice or shall fail to complete the work within [ 2 ] months [ or if in the Landlord 's [ Surveyor 's ] [ reasonable ] opinion the Tenant is unlikely to have completed the work within such period ] to permit the Landlord to enter the Premises to execute such work as may be necessary to comply with the notice and to pay to the Landlord the cost of so doing and all expenses incurred by the Landlord ( including legal costs and Surveyor 's fees ) within [ 14 ] days of a written demand ] While it is recognised that the landlord should have the right to enter the premises from time to time to ensure that the tenant 's covenants have been complied with , this clause could cause severe disruption to the tenant 's business and should be amended accordingly .
21 5.8.3 If within two months of the service of such a notice the Tenant shall not have commenced and be proceeding diligently with the execution of the work referred to in the notice or shall fail to complete the work within a reasonable period to permit the Landlord to enter the Premises to execute such work as may be necessary to comply with the notice and to pay to the Landlord the proper and necessary costs of so doing and all necessary expenses incurred by the Landlord ( including reasonable and proper legal costs and surveyor 's fees ) within 28 days of a written demand .
22 The Mountie , unperturbed , said he would be proceeding vigorously with the enquiries into both Angelica 's and Ricky 's deaths and perhaps he would have news for everyone in Winnipeg .
23 Well , well as people are talking in the house cos I 'm getting behind with the tapes .
24 ‘ The new cars , ’ George said , ‘ will be heated by electricity , not steam , so we 'll be doing away with the steam pipe , eh ?
25 My mam 'd er well not m my mother all the mams , would be sitting there with the kids with their feet in the water to get used to it even when they were a few weeks old .
26 If you go on holiday and there are n't any hotels , you 're gon na be sleeping outside with the stars .
27 Symbolically at least ( and in Christology we are dealing partially with the realm of symbolism ) the difference of sex is a divide .
28 However , some experts believe that technical solutions are dealing only with the symptoms , not the causes of piracy .
29 This can only be done when you are sailing directly with the wind on a run .
30 A question-answer drill is useful for learning these vocabulary items : When learning verbs , ask your language helper to act them , or act them yourself , so that you associate the verb you are learning directly with the action it signifies .
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