Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [to-vb] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 you 're , you 're going to have to write two quavers and tie them .
2 And in a way , what they then have to be prepared for is people who are living into adult life because health for children is better — and this is true of many parts of the world , not only Latin America , but also Africa — and you 're going to have to find more jobs .
3 DOCTORS are turning to drink to help elderly patients sleep .
4 We are now two players short and I am going to struggle to find eleven men .
5 HOW strange that building societies are going to start quizzing would-be homebuyers on their private lives to assess what mortgage rate they should pay .
6 Another draw , we are going to have to get some wins .
7 But there 's a sense in which the teachers themselves are going to have to learn new skills , both in terms of the sheer mechanics of handling these devices , but also in sort of learning how to use them best in their actual teaching .
8 Now that will need to be assessed by the council as a whole against it 's priorities with regard to the balancing of the use of capital against capital to prop up the revenue er expenditure of the council and conceivably er to deal with the problems arising er out of government er legislation and clearly we are going to have to make some decisions decisions about this .
9 ‘ If we are going to stay here , in New York , for any length of time then I 'm going to need to buy some clothes , ’ she told him , grimly trying to ignore the sick feeling in her stomach .
10 I 'm going to start saying important things in Latin . ’
11 Er shh , we 'll do it with cos there 's more sea over there and I 'm going to have to draw some plans .
12 And I know what you 're saying , Rosie — I 'm going to have to find new digs .
13 A Localised Puddle of Indifference I guess Gary Gibson is going to have to do more routes just to keep people 's minds ticking over during winter ) HVS , is said to be the best of the bunch and worth a couple of stars .
14 Sun Microsystems Inc is going to have to restate quarterly earnings to take account of settlements of two shareholder class actions totalling $30m in damages against the company — the one related to fiscal fourth-quarter results from 1989 , was settled for $25m , the other one , from the 1991 fiscal first quarter was settled for $5m .
15 The Timber Trade Federation has admitted that it is difficult to define and verify sustainability , and there are signs that several major retailers are planning to cease making such claims .
16 Worse still , the unique Gynaecological Oncology Unit at Bart 's was full — she was going to have to wait two weeks for a bed there .
17 She was afraid the old baggage was going to start asking awkward questions , but she did n't , and stood hesitating in her usual manner , finally asking timidly :
18 In August , for example , de Gaulle predicted that the US would resort to force , once it became clear that Stalin was going to try to build atomic weapons .
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