Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The research will monitor what coping strategies governing bodies are using to deal with the tasks and responsibilities given to them by the new educational legislation and will also focus on the identification of power relations ( including gender and race/ethnicity ) , decision making processes and networks of influence operating in the eight governing bodies .
2 And then , you see , it halted where it did because there were some petals and fragments from the blackthorn I had been handling fallen into the spine there , shaken out of my sleeve or my hair when I closed the book .
3 Representatives from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees have been struggling to cope with the flood of refugees and have appealed to the international community to step up relief .
4 Is that what he has been seeking to negotiate in the references that he made to the limitations on deficits ?
5 I am writing to ask for the co-operation of your Institution in a survey of Language in Teacher Education which is being carried out by the NCLE .
6 I am writing to enquire about the policy of your party towards access to rivers .
7 In response to your advertisement in the Bedfordshire Reporter , I am writing to apply for the post of secretary/ receptionist .
8 I am writing to protest at the discrepancies between the public statements and the actions of the Scottish Secretary in his dealings with local government .
9 Furthermore , a very large number of hon. Members are seeking to participate in the debate .
10 Today 's chefs are looking to state of the art equipment for convenience , reliability and consistency of cooking .
11 This makes the transaction less attractive to underwriters who are looking to invest in the offeror and may explain why , in practice , it is rare to see an open offer being made to shareholders .
12 With Britain 's roads becoming more crowded and dangerous , cyclists are looking to escape to the countryside in the Forest of Dean .
13 They have failed to endorse the Australian move and are refusing to contribute to the compensation fund .
14 Is that your shopping list you 're writing writing on the move ?
15 Can I put Clifford 's point to the point that we 're still discussing er which is about the surplus and how both your legal frameworks you 're advocating relate to the answers you 've given us about surplus and the concern about surplus .
16 We 're going to watch to the end . ’
17 Right facing this way Simon can you turn round as well please , Robert Right the first game very easy , I 'm going to point to somebody , we 're going to go through the alphabet , they 're going to give me the name of an animal .
18 He says : ‘ If you 're going to go over the top on me you 've got to put me out of the game because I 'll be coming back for you . ’
19 If we 're going to go to the quiz on Monday night we shall have to learn our way round yo and our A fours and A two six wo n't we ?
20 I do n't know what you 're saying we 're going to go to the shops
21 I got your stock see , I 've got your stock , you 're either gon na shut your case or you 're going to the , you 're going to go to the house or you 're going have to move me from that objection that I 've hit you with , then the objection that you 're comfortable with , now that 's what closes are about , it 's dancing people from one objection to another , let me put you on another objection then , seeing as you 're not too happy with that then
22 ‘ Well , let me know when you 're off , ’ Bernard told her , ‘ because we 're going to open in the States very shortly .
23 Continuing our short series on education , today we 're going to talk about the school curriculum .
24 ‘ Have you decided what you 're going to do about the club ? ’
25 And that was it and erm so then everybody 's saying so , you know , I 'll come banging on your door and saying what do you think you 're doing , you know , knocking me down to eighty five pounds a week or , or whatever it is and , you know , obviously there were various feedbacks from that and then the summing up of it was , so is that what you 're going to do to the D S S when you , when you retire ?
26 It would be nice to think that we do n't have to consider this , we did n't have to have meetings with our local police to decide what we 're going to do on the day of the match in case there is trouble .
27 Well if he was there and you came along well that 's two people , so it 's not that secluded , okay , so we have to look on the positive side , if at the end of the day you 're going to get to a situation where , okay , you can see that the ordinary erm true blue course of events is just not gon na work , then it 's down to you , you have then got to make up your own mind what you 're going to do for the casualty and your own safety , okay , if somebody had been bleeding that long and you could n't of got help for them , what would your priority now probably be ?
28 Right planners , now according to me this is for Thursday , next Thursday week t week one Thursday so homework for Thursday finish writing a list er whoever 's giggling will you calm down of things you believe are important do this in rough and I think we 'd better underline the next bit , bring it to the lesson now , quite seriously if you have only managed to get five or six items at the moment on your list that you think are important , that 's not enough , you really do need to be going for a minimum of ten , and if you ca n't then the next piece of work that we 're going to do in the lesson next week is going to be quite difficult .
29 I do n't think this is the time to discuss what we 're going to do in the future , we 've actually got on the table at the moment a proposal to purchase that land .
30 It 's all going to be taken away from you , we 're going to appeal to the Ministry of Culture and the Foreign Ministry ’ , and so on .
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