Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [noun] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As long as you are using MS-DOS 3.3 the answer is fairly simple .
2 ‘ When you are handling food all the time it puts you off . ’
3 Other things to think about when you 're identifying training alright a handout for you identifying training needs at this stage just to make sure that ya the are still out .
4 France has been paying US$20 million a year to have nuclear waste reprocessed in Russia , reportedly at the Tomsk plant .
5 of course you there would just been my father and mother 'd be speaking Gaelic all the time in the house you see .
6 He says I 'm getting horses all the time .
7 Kelly was alright , as long as he was doing things , but he wanted to be doing things all the time .
8 Cellnet is said to be spending £3 million a week improving the cellular phone network , and until recently Racal was spending £2 million a week .
9 the industry ought to be spending £310 million a year to maintain the system in its existing state .
10 He 'll be making excuses all the way round
11 Why ca n't some of these blokes be earning £1 million a year like snooker players ?
12 Dust filters and biological air filters appear to be capable of achieving considerable success in removing odours but can be fairly expensive , and new developments are taking place all the time , for example compost soil filters have been developed mainly in Germany and are being investigated by Warren Springs Laboratory .
13 We are creating chances all the time and I 've always believed if I get my fair share , I 'll score goals at any level .
14 Whatever we may have felt , however , we had to be careful not to show too much dislike , because the Repubblichini were gaining strength all the time .
15 Seven years ago the yards were losing £45 million a year .
16 Two years ago , we were spending $4 billion a year on exploration and development to sustain our production of about 1.5 billion boe/d .
17 Technology is speeding processes all the time : clients of Thomas Cook Travel in the US can get direct information about flights and make bookings without going through a travel consultant or speaking to anyone at an airline .
18 When the adventurers first arrive , Maximilian opens his eyes and begins to awaken ; from this moment on , he is gaining strength all the time .
19 It is costing Britain millions every month .
20 In County Durham , for example , British Coal is spending £6 million a year keeping its remaining coastal pits dry but now has no operational interest in the network of 11 pumping stations .
21 We are no longer surprised by it ; it is taking place all the time , and more rapidly and widely than ever before .
22 BRITISH Telecom is putting £3 million a week in Scotland every week , its chairman , Iain Vallance , told the London dinner of Scottish Financial Enterprise last night .
23 BRITAIN is borrowing £100 million a day to keep the nation 's finances alive .
24 And that old man I 'm telling you the God 's truth , I watched him when I was coming school many a time , used to go to Anglesey with a rope in his pocket here .
25 Cellnet is said to be spending £3 million a week improving the cellular phone network , and until recently Racal was spending £2 million a week .
26 In 1989 , industry claimed it was spending $34 billion a year to comply with pollution control legislation .
27 BP was spending £45 million a year on sulphur recovery alone .
28 I was drinking Coke half the night .
29 The financial consequences for Caltech have been very significant : by the early 1960s it was receiving $1¼ million a year for administering JPL .
30 Minton 's largesse was attractive : Bernard still recollects how , at a time when he was earning £2 10s a week , in a timber yard off Greek Street , Minton astonished him with a gift of £10 , in effect a month 's wages .
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