Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Raynor had fetched wine from a corner cupboard , and was heating it with a thin iron rod which had been resting in the fire 's embers .
2 250 officers and men from the Royal Army Medical Corps and Royal Engineers , already equipped with their familiar United Nations blue berets , have been gathering at the Army 's Air Movement Centre at South Cerney in Gloucestershire .
3 A possible intervention of the King 's Proctor to upset the divorce had for some time been lurking in the Government 's mind .
4 A number of board members are pressing for the directors ' new suites , now being readied at the top of a spanking new building on Washington 's H Street , to be exempted from the Bank-wide policy of no smoking that begins on July 1st .
5 With a look at what 's been happening on the sport 's front today , here 's Andy Smith :
6 The Board 's area general manager , Tom Frawley , commented : ‘ There never has been any intention to close accident and emergency and I feel the rumours have been damaging to the public 's confidence in the hospital and to the morale of staff ’
7 Been living on the daddy 's field rations .
8 Mark Francis , who had been acting as the museum 's director , retains responsibility for the administration of the collection which comprises some 1,000 original paintings and drawings , including an important group of early works being given by the DIA Center for the Arts , one hundred sculptures , a complete collection of prints of Warhol 's films , and an extensive archive of source material , audio and video tapes , correspondence and other papers .
9 Mr. Goodenday , for the bank , on the other hand , submitted that , on authority , the bank would only be affected by Mr. O'Brien 's improprieties if Mr. O'Brien had been acting as the bank 's agent when committing them .
10 For a modest annual fee , you 'll be given access to a wealth of local inspiration , and while you 're leafing through the trust 's reserves handbook , planning your ‘ research visits ’ for the coming seasons , you 'll be helping to ensure the survival of that unique ‘ library ’ of wild places .
11 But , if you do it that way , it 's often more powerful , because you 're relating to the client 's circumstances .
12 You 're listening to the county 's favourite radio station , B B C Radio Nottingham , it 's four o'clock .
13 Here they 're operating on the patient 's liver .
14 Here , they 're operating on the patient 's liver .
15 since you done it we 've been looking in jewellers ' shops when I go , I go up town twice a week with her , you know , carry all the bags , and er we 're looking in the jewellers ' shop and some old , some lady stood there and , she were looking I says , come on they do n't wear marriage ri , wedding rings there !
16 Erm , we 're waiting for the joiner 's estimate tonight .
17 You 're paying for the hairdresser 's services and part of that is to receive whatever information about your hair you need .
18 They 're protesting at the government 's proposals to allow private firms to tender for prison work .
19 And while we 're talking about the man 's divine right to know , little babies are born knowing all they need to know about love : they 're unselfconscious , they can communicate , and their first experience — sucking — is a sensual one !
20 You 're talking about individuals that have come in here , or you 're talking about the tenants ' association , the representation
21 ‘ WHEN YOU do comedy you 're not sitting at the grown-ups ’ table , you 're sitting at the children 's table . ’
22 But actually it does n't tell you anything about the quality of the care which they 're purchasing and the evidence that we are getting increasingly from the community health council is the experience of people of the health service is that actually the quality of the care is getting worse and this is not due to the staff in the health ee the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the e the more detailed plans coming to the next meeting of the for an operation er , four years , it should to be said er , she 's been waiting despite the government 's claim that all operations are done within two years er for very severe varicose veins and surprisingly enough she got them because of course most varicose have been removed her , the north-east Thames region erm , and er she turned up on the Wednesday and the operation had been postponed twice previously er , she was er gone through all the er , various tests which took her four hours cos she had to find all the places herself , there was nobody to show her to X-ray and various other places erm she was prepared for the op and then was sent home because there was n't a bed available !
23 But an auction is mainly a bullish market ; vendors are trying to improve their prices , and few except dealers are selling on the market 's way down , in order to rebuy .
24 I believe that there are four excellent fund holding practices in my hon. Friend 's neighbourhood , and they have been adding to the region 's total health care provision and are bringing new services to patients .
25 I 've been going to the Enquirer 's Course for months now ! ’
26 Although doubts may have been growing about the Woodvilles ' ultimate intentions , there are no signs that anyone else was contemplating direct action against them — or that the family had yet done anything to warrant it .
27 Although doubts may have been growing about the Woodvilles ' ultimate intentions , there are no signs that anyone else was contemplating direct action against them — or that the family had yet done anything to warrant it .
28 It is equally clear , however , that it is a remarkable phenomenon and that the chances of its leading to the detection of a diversion that has already taken place , or is in the course of taking place , are reasonably good and are improving as the Agency 's technology in this area develops …
29 Clothes and bric-a-brac have been pouring into the hospice 's charity shops in response to an appeal for more goods .
30 High hopes are riding on the Chancellor 's annual speech on monetary policy at the Mansion House next Thursday .
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