Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hundreds of dolphins are drowning in international waters in the Mediterranean as a result of being trapped in driftnets up to 110 kilometres ( 70 miles ) long , used by South Korean vessels to catch tuna and swordfish .
2 I am convinced that stuff had been accumulating for many years in this cellar and that Ernest Griffiths had no idea what was in there .
3 The genuine popularity of the Prince , his self-evident concern and compassion , and events like his fortieth birthday party ( held in a Birmingham tram shed ) are drawing on new sources of support for the institution of monarchy beyond the recesses of middle-class dreaming .
4 But Tim Devlin predicts a larger majority ‘ because disillusioned Liberal Democrats are defecting in large numbers to the main parties . ’
5 Middle-income earners are struggling under mountainous debts with little relief available .
6 Two hundred and eight golf professionals — some reigning champions , others young rookies — have been competing for 50 places on next season 's full European Tour .
7 Two hundred and eight golf professionals — some reigning champions , others young rookies — have been competing for 50 places on next season 's full European Tour .
8 After his exit from Monday 's semi-finals , Black revealed that he had been struggling for five years with a ‘ bio-mechanical ’ problem which affects his body balance and leads to other injuries .
9 Roadside spot checks on car pollution have begun to make sure drivers are sticking to new laws on exhaust fumes .
10 MOVEMENTS by tankers in the past two weeks suggest that leading oil exporters are sticking to new limits on production , according to the Middle East Economic Survey .
11 A few Local Authorities are experimenting with new types of recycling schemes to encourage a greater reduction in the amount of refuse put into landfills .
12 In an attempt to improve the effective provision of intelligence to decision makers , some companies , particularly in the USA , are experimenting with various ways of developing a process of gathering information , analysing and interpreting the information and ensuring that it is used effectively in the decision-making process .
13 In Dering Street , Annely Juda makes a strong start to the new year with her first exhibition of new works by Hamish Fulton who has been walking in recent months in Norway , France and Spain ( 28 January-6 March ) .
14 ‘ Sir , ’ said a voice , ‘ in your place , I would have refreshed myself some inches upstream from my feet , for I have been walking in these boots for months , and the juice flowing away from me can not be sweet .
15 Much will depend on how it seeks to solve the long-running debate about merging income tax and the national insurance system ; whether benefits , including pensions , are to be universal or selective ; and , if selective , how the state is to deal with obligations to people who have been contributing for many years to what they were told was national insurance .
16 Instead of more concrete , conjestion , pollution and unemployment , we are grappling with these issues at grass roots level .
17 Is it , can we attribute this sort of thing to the erm areas of drought , the areas of flooding that are occurring in various parts of the world at the moment , and all these sorts of things , and we have branches looking into this .
18 Many of the gifts in the catalogue are also available from the National Trust property shops , some of which are opening on selected days for Christmas shopping ( see back of the catalogue for details ) .
19 The judge 's ruling comes at a time when many legal experts are pressing for young children to be allowed to give evidence in court .
20 The government has admitted that pesticides are appearing in increasing concentrations in tap water , exceeding the Department of Environment 's drinking water inspectorate 's recommended limits .
21 W H Smith has been trading from these premises behind the elegant arcades of the Rue de Rivoli in Paris since 1903
22 In point of fact the JCS had been pressing for consistent applications of containment ever since 1947 , had identified US security interests with Nationalist success in China and had declared that , if the Chinese Nationalists were to fall , the US must be prepared to accept eventual Soviet hegemony over Asia .
23 After all , the National Association of Labour Teachers had been pressing for Common Schools since 1930 .
24 If you are booking within 8 weeks of departure you must pay the full cost of your holiday immediately .
25 BRITAIN 'S oil ‘ minnows ’ , many of them companies whose shares are trading at big discounts to their asset values , are hoping to grow by acquisition before they are swallowed by much bigger predators , writes George Duthie .
26 British hares have been dying in increasing numbers from a mystery disease which resembles myxomatosis , which was introduced deliberately to control rabbits in the 1950s .
27 West Mercia police are checking for possible links between the Telford incident and another close by a few weeks ago when a horse was slashed .
28 Tonight the police said they are checking for any similarities with previous attacks .
29 A possible scenario for self-publishers is this : You have been meeting with other writers for some time .
30 But what is more surprising is not that mechanised transport has had its fair share of false starts but that since the oil crisis many planners have been looking at abandoned forms of transport .
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