Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] them [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The conventional way of cleaning fabrics is to cart them off to the washing machine , wash them , dry them , and cart them back again .
2 Its only idea for schools is to put them back in the power of local authorities .
3 What I 'm planning to do is to put them back in the order , colleagues could you settle down please , I 'm planning to put them back on the agenda in the order that they fell off , and er , hopefully , the first opportunity in that connection may be Wednesday afternoon , but I need to have a discussion with colleagues about that , but I 'll certainly let you know at the first available opportunity .
4 They always say the thought might be worse and to , we know it costs about , it costs about ten pound to buy well , I think at the end of the day worth it , is to put them out on a paper plate .
5 I I think the best thing to do with the flutes is to put them along with the first
6 A plan that sometimes works very well — after their kitchen equipment ( which should include a refrigerator ) has been checked — is to start them off with a ‘ gift ’ for their larder of a small box-full of a variety of inexpensive sauces , seasonings and flavourings , which can be used to add interest to very simple meals .
7 Our aim is to get them out of the chair , cut the chains and let enjoy the freedom of the sea .
8 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
9 The overall goal is to bring them up to the same standards as the western part of the country by the end of the century .
10 In this case the simplest solution is to copy them back from the original installation disks — see Copying QBasic .
11 we 've got a , got a picture of those just , er , with er you know with the flowers on , so be , really wan na is to make them back to the original , see they had nowt frames and I cut it up but
12 His first instinct was to fling them out of the window ; to put as much distance as he could between them and him .
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