Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly the status of commas in the speech of the T(eacher) is not made explicit — presumably they are to indicate pauses in the stream of speech , but it may be that they simply indicate a complex of rhythmic and intonational cues which the analyst is responding to .
2 But I am going to peg away with this novel , and if by any chance it should get published — well , you 're to go shares in the boodle ! ’
3 The objectives are to help members of the public to find their way through this information store and to transmit their orders for particular journeys or holidays to the providers of those services .
4 In addition , at Sheriff Hutton near Malton , experts on wildlife are to give tours of the churchyard on May 27 , June 17 , and July 9 .
5 FRIENDS of the Earth members in Essex are to lobby shoppers in an attempt to highlight the death and destruction they claim is involved in the mahogany trade .
6 The main tasks of such an authority would be to issue contracts for the performance of particular tasks coupled with supervisory and inspection to ensure that they were adequately performed .
7 The aim of both the part-time education and further extended full-time study , on grants , would be to acquire qualifications on a module basis , so as to build up a whole range of technical qualifications .
8 Another possibility open to the government would be to increase exemptions from the charge for those on low pay , but this would only really operate ‘ at the margin' .
9 The procedure would be to identify discrepancies between the extent to which women are studied in each subject-area , and their actual role in the sphere of social life that the subject-category represents .
10 Although we know from other sources that Emily Faithfull 's London apprentices and journey-women were in fact paid the full male rate ( though with some amendment of the apprenticeship system ) , it was clear that she and other promoters of the scheme did anticipate that the consequence might be to lower wages in the printing trade .
11 An alternative , and probably stronger , method would be to drill holes from the top through the underlying sleeper and drive in metal reinforcing bars ( see your local builders merchant ) .
12 Another would be to take photographs of the moon on the horizon , and in the meridian , without altering the camera settings , and compare the size of the moon on the two prints .
13 The Development Minister , Mr Stoffel van der Merwe , and the deputy foreign minister , Mr Leon Wessels , are to have talks with the church leader on the maltreatment of blacks in the Ciskei .
14 The problem of monopoly has been discussed elsewhere , in the general introduction and Chapter 4 by Krizner for example , and the solution adopted in most cases of privatization has been to place constraints upon the operation of these now private monopolies .
15 They were to meet members of the Board of Trade at six o'clock and were scheduled to be available for public questioning at a meeting on the mezzanine floor of the hotel at seven .
16 If you have such a policy if you were to have criteria of the kind I 'm alluded to erm does that still leave it too open in North Yorkshire , might it still be too wide too many erm er opportunities might meet locations might meet these criteria .
17 The campaign of the Conservative candidate , Richard Hickmet , was criticized for the way in which it dwelt on the controversial claim that it would be a " moral victory for terrorism " if the seat were to change hands as a result of the killing of Gow .
18 Five other FIS officials were to face charges at the trial , one of them in his absence , for threatening the functioning of the national economy .
19 Chaired by the head of English , and consisting of the librarian and heads of all departments or their representatives , its terms of reference were to make recommendations to the head on the best ways to spend the money , to formulate a project proposal , and to oversee all subsequent matters of library policy .
20 Here were the two developments , the use of the longbow and the adaptation of the traditional use of cavalry , which were to bring victories to the English in a number of foreign fields in the coming century or so .
21 It was said in Parliament that ‘ The courts were to become agencies for the rescue as well as the punishment of children . ’
22 They were to become boroughs with the status of counties — or county boroughs .
23 When man himself started to make decisions which were to become contributions to the substance of the Created God , there arose individuals who could not accept the decisions which were designated ‘ good ’ by the majority , and who therefore started moving towards behaviour which was specifically harmful to others .
24 The considerable locational advantages possessed by West Ham which gave rise to its extraordinary growth were to become fetters on the ability of its industry to adapt to a transformed economic environment in the twentieth century .
25 and the role of the team worker is to support members of the team by building on their suggestions , , they improve communications and foster team spirit .
26 The purpose of this study is to compare results from the Asthma Question Box with a conventional paper and pencil symptom diary to obtain information about missing records , retrospective completion ( from an analysis of electronic date records ) , and accuracy ( from comparison of data entry by the two methods ) .
27 Accordingly , a bidder which is a newly-incorporated or re-registered public company to be used as a vehicle for the takeover should be careful not to contravene s104 if it is to acquire shares in the target from its own subscribers or members ( eg in a management buy-out ) .
28 He suggests that their role is to signal rotations of the animal , and to do so using a co-ordinate system that is compatible with the other main organ for signalling rotations of the head , namely the semicircular canals , which are sensitive to angular accelerations .
29 Thus the premium need not necessarily be connected with the product that carried the premium ; the idea is to stimulate purchases of the product — selling the premium is of secondary importance .
30 The aim of the centre is to train women in a variety of technical skills including some which , for Central America , mark a break with the usual concept of women s work ; electricity , accountancy , the manufacture of kilns and clothes-washing machines .
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