Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The point was that the plaintiffs ' interest in Jarrad exceeded their interest in Jesner , and they contended that the object of Jarrad had been to provide money for the family and not to have its assets syphoned off to prop up Jesner .
2 The government 's response has been to pump demand into the economy .
3 Perhaps the greatest contribution which our primary schools have made to education since the war has been to focus attention upon the child as a whole , unique human being .
4 In those countries where the royalty has already been introduced one option chosen by some governments has been to use part of the income from the levy to set up a fund to give special help to the national music scene .
5 It was not made public because that would have been to give warning to the culprit . ’
6 Liberal leader and Premier-elect Ray Groom promised that his new government 's first priority would be to combat unemployment within the state .
7 An alternative means of increasing the number of units in the input utterance , and thereby decreasing the number of word paths found , would be to include stress in the lexicon and input utterance .
8 A main task of party renovation would be to restore confidence in the party as the defender of working class interests .
9 There is no logical reason why a person ought not to be allowed to represent another in order to protect that other 's individual interests , but in such a case the main function of representation would probably be to provide finance for the action rather than organizational efficiency ; and in most cases there is no reason why one person should not provide another with finance to enable that other to bring an action in his or her own name .
10 It is planned that the less literate and less articulate will be given the chance to contribute and one of the main aims of the project will be to provide information on the position of poorly-qualified 15-19 year olds today .
11 The object or purpose of the combination must be to cause damage to the plaintiff .
12 One solution would be to extend regulation to the press to ensure the same kind of impartiality as on television .
13 Mr Hill , appointed chairman this week , said one of his first moves would be to separate management of the company from Bond Corp , which is struggling under huge debts .
14 At most periods of the twenty-four hours to run into the middle of Southwark Bridge would be to invite suicide in the stream of traffic pouring across it , but at that time of morning traffic was relatively light , and there were some gaps between the cars and lorries .
15 Mr Smith made clear that Labour 's first response would be to seek entry to the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System and that its spending priorities would be pensions and child poverty .
16 Similarly , a transfer of mortgaged property from joint names to one name alone is likely to incur a liability for stamp duty , although the Revenue 's practice would be to charge duty on the proportion of debt assumed by the transferee ( usually one half ) .
17 An important strategic requirement over the next few years will be to make progress with the resolution of these questions which bear crucially on the structure of a collegiate university and raise fundamental questions about the nature of undergraduate teaching at Oxford and its relationship with graduate teaching and supervision .
18 Secondly , if the tenant is entitled to break at a specified date linked to a rent review , the effect of the break-clause may be to make time of the essence as far as the review is concerned ( United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council [ 1977 ] 2 All ER 62 at 77 , 98 ) .
19 Our first and chief objective must be to prevent war by the maintenance of the Allied deterrent , to which we have begun to make our own substantial contribution .
20 Indeed , if performance criteria are to be national , if they are to have currency throughout the system , and if they are to be as detailed and specific as the proponents of criterion-referenced testing insist , then this reform presages central intervention in the school curriculum of a most emphatic kind .
21 Section 309(1) of the Companies Act 1985 provides that ‘ [ t ] he matters to which the directors of the company are to have regard in the performance of their functions include the interests of the company 's employees in general , as well as the interests of its members ’ .
22 So article 7(5) of the Leasing Convention , which provides that nothing in article 7 is to affect the priority of any lien creditor , does not mean that lien creditors are to have priority over the lessor , merely that article 7 itself is not to be treated as dealing with the issue , so that resort must be had to the applicable law .
23 If we are to maintain confidence in the system , there is no point in our mucking around with the map several times in each Parliament .
24 One effect of the years of terrorism had been to abolish night in the vicinity of prisons , and the scene outside was bleakly bright .
25 The law of government amounted to a written constitution , decreeing that Saudi Arabia was an hereditary monarchy and that " citizens are to pay allegiance to the King in accordance with the Holy Quran and the Prophet 's tradition " .
26 These grievances were to find expression in the strike wave that occurred once economic conditions improved .
27 Whatever the reason , three of the strongest members of the U.S. side were to find water off the tee at the last .
28 Almost a hundred years later the Levellers , in the Putney debates , were to reach deadlock over the problem whether men without an assured livelihood could be admitted to the political nation .
29 More immediately , before those years pass and there is any immediate prospect of monetary union , it must be recognised how vulnerable Britain would be if the Government 's strategy were to avoid commitment to the process under way in the European Community .
30 The effects of this delegation were to give confidence to the Polytechnic 's internal processes of review and validation and to create a body of case law about their achievement in time for the revalidation of the Course in 1984–85 .
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