Example sentences of "[be] [adv] a [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Beliefs are not conjured up out of nothing but are rather a response to experience .
2 I must try to remember , Celia said to herself , that I am only a statistic to Dr Shalcross , possibly a case history she might wish to quote , anonymously , because I do n't happen to run true to form .
3 The conclusion states that the BIE recommends that embalming of infectious cases should not take place , the guidelines are merely a service to members .
4 Modern methods of curtailing debate are largely a response to attempts by Irish Nationalists , seeking home rule in Victorian times , to abuse the rights of the opposition to oppose .
5 The shift of Amis 's mind , thoughtful and unphilosophical as it is , has been broadly a pattern to others of his age .
6 When Mr. Gosling picked the apples for me last month he left a few on the top branches he could n't reach , and they 're rather a temptation to boys , I expect .
7 Her mother said : ‘ Those former foster parents , who she 's been once a year to Spain with , they have been able to give her the luxuries that I could not afford to give her . ’
8 At present doctors must prove at regular intervals that such patients are still a danger to society .
9 Portable operating systems , such as Unix , are also a threat to IBM and other companies which once prospered on proprietary ones , such as Wang and Data General .
10 The aggressive , destructive behaviour that is often seen in hyperkinetics usually develops later than the other symptoms , and may be largely a response to feelings of frustration that stem from the other symptoms .
11 If I 'm just a footnote to Springsteen — that 's okay !
12 The latter quality is expressed by the precision of the design with its almost hard , linear effects , which are quite a contrast to Ramsay 's later use of sfumato .
13 These were hardly a threat to Dyson 's rhetorical skills .
14 Almondsbury were always a problem to Banbury , both teams playing very good football and the mid-field were very dominant on both sides , therefore the amount of chances were n't that great .
15 They were also a response to demands for a form of participation .
16 The ‘ hystery of the eye ’ is presumably a reference to Bataille 's story ‘ L'Histoire de l'oeil ’ , a story of enucleation , which is , of course in Freudian terms equivalent to castration .
17 ‘ It is merely a password to freedom ! ’
18 This is only a bar to registration if the first mark is registered in respect of " the same goods or description of goods " .
19 A summer breeding visitor to most of eastern Europe , it is only a vagrant to Britain .
20 We are not convinced that the attraction of out-of-town shopping is entirely a response to consumer demand .
21 It is perhaps a tribute to Klemperer 's stature that all the recordings featured here continue to stimulate well after the CDs are returned to their place on my shelves .
22 239 is thus a counterexample to assertion ( ii ) , Actually there is only one other positive integer which is not expressible as a sum of eight cubes .
23 It is thus a contribution to biography , not to criticism .
24 Prison is just a word to Robyn , a word in a book or a newspaper , a symbol of something — the law , hegemony , repression ( ‘ The prison motif in Little Dorrit is a metaphorical articulation of Dickens 's critique of Victorian culture and society ’ — Discuss ) .
25 In context this is just a reply to Pippin 's remark that the song ‘ does not sound altogether encouraging ’ .
26 Offset is usually a government to government agreement .
27 ‘ No , perhaps not , since it 's usually a response to things lost , or ended , and you still have Jones , ’ Luke conceded cynically .
28 As is usual in such cases the myth seems to be somewhat remote from the historical facts but , for what it is worth , Wilberforce is supposed to have remarked that : " Whatever certain people might believe he would not look at the monkeys in the Zoological Gardens as connected with his ancestors ' , to which Huxley replied : " I would rather be descended from an ape than a bishop " , which has merits as repartee but is hardly a contribution to science .
29 Still no goals , it 's play to Gascoigne , Gascoigne now still going forward , Gascoigne on the edge of the penalty , looking for the one two , he gets the one two , great tackle there by Les Robinson , there 's still a chance to Spurs Steve Foster , chance now — and it 's a goal to Spurs .
30 If having babies is partly a response to unemployment , it also becomes one of the causes of continuing unemployment .
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