Example sentences of "[be] [adv] go [adv prt] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , they are still going down the pan , to the tune of £1 billion a year in the UK , according to the Management Consultancies Association .
2 Lambert realized that far below the barrage was still pounding away ; that the observers reports were still going down the telephone wire , correcting ranges and bearings , selecting new targets from the shop window of the British Front .
3 It 's like going down a tube .
4 and he 's now going up the point of the house but he ca n't get no further .
5 At first , I was only going out a coupla days a week .
6 The US factories had evolved into organisations that set out tightly circumscribed jobs , fixed procedures , absolutely nothing in terms of flexible working , multi-skilling , employee responsiveness — any of those sorts of things — and they took a look at Japanese cost patterns and thought that American industry was just going down the plug . ’
7 like , you know what I was like , all through school and me A levels I was still going down every day and everything
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