Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I know we 're not inviting anybody for lunch Christmas day could n't cope with that but it would be quite to have them in the afternoon ca n't cope with the people !
2 Keep up the good work — and do n't forget that this column and Postbag are here to provide you with the opportunity to air your news and views on the game !
3 Her two sons had watched the scene from a distance and were soon to report it to the authorities .
4 This is just to remind me of the feel of the rod and the weight of the tackle I am using .
5 If they get in if they start getting in the way the best thing to do is just let them relax to the side and try and forget about them , I know it 's difficult to forget about them but just to the conscious effort with the hands is just to put them at the side .
6 The simple way there as you 've probably been told by your tax officer here is just to reclaim it at the end of the tax year .
7 We have had a couple of occasions where the money can not be claimed back recently , so this is just to inform you of the position that the insurers are taking .
8 The idea of the hostel is just to get you off the streets , so to speak .
9 ‘ The first impulse of every critic of postmodernism ’ , Ihab Hassan recently suggested , ‘ is still to relate it to the semanteme it contains : namely , modernism ’ ( Hassan 1987a : 214 ) .
10 The aim here is simply to remind you of the basics and to draw your attention to some of the new provisions that could have a bearing on your immediate or longer term plans .
11 It was all to save me from the Fiery Pit .
12 Happiness , I knew , was not something she thought much of as an end : it was as if she had said , I 'm glad you do n't mind being poor , and , although when I replied to her , it was only to tell her about the baby , Thomas , and how he had put on five pounds and had cut his first tooth , I brooded over what I might have said while I stood at the sink or pushed the pram , making great , windy speeches in my mind , venting on my absent aunt the curious , unreasonable anger that seemed to rise up before me like a dark pit , bottomless and frightening .
13 And I suppose all that Oxfam reject rubbish was just to throw me off the scent ? ’
14 Even Franco , whose automatic reaction to labour unrest was usually to dismiss it as the work of communist agitators , was obliged by the arguments of the Minister of Labour to authorize a 23 per cent general wage increase .
15 This was clearly to prepare him for the task of taking over the captaincy the next summer .
16 Great though improvements in European agriculture had been and were to be , it was industry which gave Europe world leadership , as it was later to give it to the United States .
17 If it enabled the latter the crucial theoretical move of being able to reject the classical empiricist conception of knowledge , it was also to put him in the position of even castigating as ‘ historicist ’ any attempts to account for theoretical discourse in terms of its historical conditions of production — perhaps one of the major ways in which he differed from Canguilhem and Foucault .
18 On Day One , the simple exercise of shooting a few scenes in the garden was partly to familiarise you with the idea of editing in camera .
19 And indeed it was from this time that he began to suffer the kind of serious ill health which was regularly to affect him for the rest of his life .
20 Richard , Agnes 's younger son , was to find the Justice of the Forests south of Trent twelve ‘ free and law-worthy men ’ who would guarantee that he would well and faithfully keep the said bailiwick on Agnes 's behalf : the Forest Justice was then to admit him to the custody in Agnes 's place .
21 I got to admit I did n't pop over just to offer yer some neighbourly 'elp , it was on me mind while I was there to touch you for the loan of a bob .
22 Once more , the manservant was there to show me into the drawing-room .
23 The only sensible course was never to start it in the first place .
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