Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The interest payments you make to the fund are effectively paid back to the members of the Scheme as pensions later .
2 Prickett , a former captain of the Wanderers , has been warmly welcomed back at the Memorial Grounds .
3 Orcs and Goblins almost overwhelm the remaining Dwarf holds but are finally beaten back at the Battle of Black Water .
4 We are thus led back to the same problem as before ; although the fact of taking X as end does not justify the decision to do Y , the enjoyment of X which does complete the justification is itself merely a psychological fact .
5 Here , the only water is from artesian wells , now contaminated by the industrial effluent and the huge garbage-dump , where the rubbish from Nova Iguacu has been partly ploughed back into the disturbed hillside .
6 The levels have been carefully graded back towards the house and there is room here for the rotary washing line .
7 About half of them loosen up enough to allow the foreskin to be gently pulled back by the time the boy is a year old .
8 They seemed , Spruce thought , to be extremely laid back about the whole affair .
9 Once the design is safely stored a way on tape or disc it can be quickly loaded back into the computer 's memory .
10 Intel is therefore reportedly telling its OEMs that the P6 will be purposely held back from the market , despite its state of readiness , to allow them to recoup their investment in Pentium .
11 Independent Computer Solutions Ltd , London , has developed an interface that allows users to integrate JYACC 's Jam rapid application development toolset with Cadre Technologies Inc 's Teamwork CASE analysis and design system : Teamwork data flow and entity relationship diagrams can be converted into Jam applications using the interface , subsequent changes and adjustments can be automatically reflected back into the original Teamwork model .
12 The molecules are consequently held back in the liquid phase and the vapour pressure is lower .
13 These worms have a similar food-gathering strategy to the more familiar filter-feeding tubeworms , but instead of the feathery heads of fanworms have long , sticky tentacles which they wave in the current or drag over the substrate in search of food particles which are then carried back to the mouth as the tentacles are drawn in .
14 The cheques are then passed back to the branches on whose accounts they are drawn .
15 In spite of the growing success , there was still never any spare cash as profits were endlessly ploughed back in the unremitting quest for newer , more powerful machinery .
16 Two of our number , feeling no pain from imbibed refreshment , climbed into the engine tender by mistake , but they were soon herded back to the warmth and light of the Superintendent 's coach , which was the ultimate in railway luxury .
17 Staff tried to put the fire out themselves , but were soon driven back by the intense heat and thick smoke given off from burning tyres .
18 TEN Palestinians deported by Israel were yesterday allowed back into the country .
19 The orangs were gradually forced back into the mountain forests .
20 Although there were several disputes during the next twenty months , it was not until the coal mines were formally handed back to the coal owners , on 31 March 1921 , that serious conflict ensued .
21 Our hotel which dates to Queen Victoria 's reign is ideally situated , being slightly set back from the busy and noisy seafront road ( A259 ) , but still able to offer a view over Hove Lawns and onto the sea .
22 Paupers were often taken back from the workhouse to their own parishes for burial .
23 The biggest category by far in this year 's list is the one for which the awards were originally created back in the 1960s , the Export Awards .
24 Aggregated referral data were regularly fed back to the practices for checking against figures collected internally .
25 ‘ The six of us were immediately flown back to the States to undergo psychiatric treatment .
26 These values were then converted back to the pH scale .
27 A crooked locksmith is believed to have made copies of the keys which were then smuggled back into the ‘ escape-proof ’ jail .
28 Green and McCrory were allegedly brought back for the Norris murder .
29 Most , but not all , building societies have their own printed form of notice , which is always served in duplicate , so that one copy can be receipted and returned to you and lodged with the title deeds , which are ultimately sent back to the lender .
30 Information gathered by these excursions into adjoining phases is thus fed back into the previous process in order to reinforce the adopted approach , modify it or cause its abandonment .
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