Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Repetitions and variations can be easily built up easily to create an atmosphere like this .
2 If this interpretation is correct , curriculum managers who wish to manage the curriculum in the sense of modifying it so that it is better adapted to the needs of real children and a real society , will be best advised not simply to resist and criticise , but rather to use the power that many people at all levels of the system actually have .
3 Although these may be later broken down physically to release individual particles there is no guarantee that individual flakes of clay would become separated by purely physical means .
4 Concern for this issue has recently surfaced in studies that were indeed set up originally to try to isolate the factors that determine which among a selected sample of children are likely later in life to have a schizophrenic breakdown .
5 Even if neither we nor they were quite clued up enough to realise that Jethro Tull was a group and not the inventor of the seed drill !
6 Baldersdale was largely unaffected by contact with outside influences — to travel further than Barnard Castle , a prim and pretty little market town which could scarcely claim to be cosmopolitan , was virtually unheard of and such visitors as there were never stayed long enough to impart revolutionary new ways and ideas .
7 Doctors and physiotherapists were never allowed close enough to examine him .
8 A class is thus said rather vaguely to consist of a group of persons sharing similar occupations and incomes , and as a consequence similar life-styles and beliefs .
9 The pool perimeter is also cut back sufficiently to allow for the pool edging .
10 The sensors pick up the change which is then fed back directly to alter the temperature or some other variable .
11 There is no space here , central though it is to Callinicos ' argument as a whole , to do other than note how this perspective is then deployed not only to counter poststructuralism but also significantly to modify the position of its main critic , Habermas .
12 But in this context the term ‘ interference ’ is commonly used more narrowly to designate those theories that try to explain latent inhibition in terms of the interaction of standard ( usually associative ) processes of learning or performance and without recourse to attentional constructs of the sort employed by the theories discussed in Chapter 3 .
13 Except for marine products , the few goods that polar regions yield are seldom valued highly enough to offset the high costs and risks of exploiting them .
14 They are never brought up again to taunt or accuse us .
15 There was a full page article announcing Darwinism is dead , which turned out as a matter of fact to be a reprint of an article which had appeared some months earlier in the Sunday Times of this country , erm which in fact was based very largely on some work by a young man called Steele , which none of us , I think , believed at the time , and which was since turned out clearly to have been mistaken .
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