Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [prep] an [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was very handy , being so close to town , and as the Lock family are much of an age with our boys we had a very jolly time together .
2 The ears are more like an extension of the eye , pointing where the action is , often flicking forwards , backwards , and even sideways , gathering sounds and information for the horse .
3 We are also at an advantage in having a Data Protection Act , which is more use in practice than a vague bill of rights .
4 On the other hand , a photograph can not be generalized or simplified to bring out the important diagnostic features of a species ; it must be always of an individual at a particular time and place .
5 MAFF 's view has been that any support for conservation measures must be purely as an adjunct to agricultural works , a view supported by DoE .
6 Because that misidentification insisted on making trade unions the vehicle for it but insisted also on the continuance of their traditional role , the outcome was bound to be primarily about an extension of their power in the performance of that role , the role that implicates trade unionism as the reciprocal to the ownership of the means of production and provision within the total system , Capitalism , as it evolved in Victorian Britain .
7 Those last high-spirited weeks at Alfoxden and Stowey were almost at an end by the time Cottle and Hazlitt left for home .
8 One specimen in my own tank has tentacles about a foot long , whereas the body of the worm , in its sand tube , is only about an inch in length .
9 She 's just like an insect under my foot .
10 We are one of about three hundred Amnesty groups in the country , probably about this size , perhaps , well were , were , I mean this , this group is probably about an average for the , you know , the groups in the country , some are smaller , some are much larger , but er , usually it 's about a dozen or so people meeting once a month or , or that often in a room , erm , but apart from groups there are a l there are a great many more people who are called individual members of Amnesty about eighty thousand I think now who are , who just joined by writing to headquarters and many of those have no contact with the groups at all , we 've had list of the people in this area and they run into hundred and fifty , two hundred people who live in this area who er , who belong , who , who belong to Amnesty but do n't actually come to a group except for a small number of us .
11 The hillside may be windy , but it 's also in an area of outstanding natural beauty .
12 A centuries-old industry is now at an end in Ulster .
13 This is mainly as an alternative to shopping on Friday evening or Saturday , although seven-day opening had brought a ‘ small increment ’ in sales .
14 It was so like an act of worship , so supplicating , that Alexandra could not bear it .
15 His progress was predictably rapid , and after eighteen months he made the move to television , even though it was only as an assistant on Pets and Vets , an animal welfare show .
16 It was only by an act of supreme will that she was finally able to wrench her mouth from his to look up at him with angry , blazing eyes .
17 Obviously she was still at an age to be amused by funny voices .
18 the biology of the Chesapeake was clearly of an intricacy beyond present comprehension .
19 They 'd moved away from the office district and she was now in an area of sandwich shops , electrical stores and ticket agencies where the traffic was heavier and the pavement crowds more dense .
20 She had given him an ideal ; she had given him what appears to have been unfailing and uncritical support : he was never as an adult to be easy without one woman on whom he could totally rely .
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