Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime organization changes of a management kind have been put into action at Eastley , so that certain , certain changes very quickly can be made which reflect the spirit of the report for improved management but your officers and Council are still considering the items that they feel n er should be reconsidered refined and developed .
2 We therefore propose to introduce at Report Stage a Government amendment which will provide for discretionary trusts which were in existence on 26th March 1974 to rearrange their position , if they so wish , at rates of charge which will be substantially below the rates that would otherwise be chargeable .
3 I 'm here for the reasons that they 've gone back there , I guess .
4 Further , it is only in the Fellowships that they will get sufficient identification with other sufferers to be able to see that there is hope for recovery when they do finally admit defeat .
5 Does not this place give the Prime Minister the chance to show whether he is really against the smears that have been organised against the Labour party , or is he getting others to do his dirty work for him ?
6 The technology for monitoring absenteeism is there for the companies that want to take control of what can be a major expense and loss of competitive edge .
7 When I joined the battle against fluoridation in 1962 , my opposition was wholly on the grounds that it was a treatment of people 's bodies without their consent , or the consent of parents in the case of children — a form of ‘ compulsory mass medication ’ .
8 As the colleges sought to establish degree courses other than in teacher education it was naturally towards the humanities that they mainly turned , and attempts to use their existing strengths in those areas , together with opportunities for combined and modularized courses , resulted in often extremely complex proposals .
9 Even in its inchoate beginnings , pop culture was forced to turn to the sexually divergent or avant-garde , for it was only in the spaces that they inhabited that this new world could be recognized and could develop .
10 He and Chris Grant , on The Thinker , jumped the last together , but it was always on the cards that McCourt would have the upper hand .
11 He was still at the barriers that funnelled the mob into a line under the cynical eyes of a guard when she struggled up behind him .
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