Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the axial inclination and orbital eccentricity of Venus are so small that seasonal variations are negligible .
2 In the North , for example , a team from Leicester University 's Labour Market Studies Group has found that job prospects are so bleak that clear signs of an underclass are apparent for those for whom ‘ normal morality is inverted and educational achievement is undervalued , .
3 Some are so obvious that new recruits but now do n't forget the other the asking bit .
4 Many plants are so reliable that floral clocks have been designed with flowers arranged round the clock face in the order of their opening and closing times .
5 The constraints upon dental materials are so severe that lengthy procedures to ensure the safety and efficacy of new products must be undertaken .
6 Two main factors stand in the way of adventurous design , MacCormac believes : ‘ In the inner cities , the cost of land has been so high that individual homes have not been economic ; in the country , local planning committees are one of the big barriers .
7 However , by 1986 it had become evident that the collapse in manufacturing had been so severe that alternative approaches based on tourism and retailing should be given much greater prominence ( MDC , 1986 ) .
8 Despite the very high savings ratios , the demand for funds from capital intensive firms has been so enormous that small firms are regarded as marginal prospects and the vast bulk of loans have been allocated to large firms .
9 This is unlikely , because governors and parents are generally convinced that good schools need good teachers .
10 Artists and managers are also concerned that initial plans to price DCC in the same bracket as ordinary pre-recorded cassettes may be abandoned in favour of a cost comparative to the CD format .
11 Some parents are wholly negative towards their children 's use of Creole , but some are mainly concerned that young children should not use Creole , and are more relaxed about teenagers speaking it .
12 It will be most unlikely that serious errors will be made , providing that adequate records have been kept and that these are accessible to those needing them .
13 In arid climates there is generally insufficient surface water , whereas in periglacial regimes frost action may be so effective that solutional forms have little time to develop .
14 One of the least known owls in the world , very rarely reliably observed in the field ; upperparts buff with greyer wings and distinct golden collar ; Tawny Owl can be so pale that unfeathered toes of Hume 's are only really good distinction ; perhaps black-tipped crown feathers would show a darker crown in the field .
15 Also , conditions inside the three planets could be sufficiently different that different proportions of their volatile endowments have come to be withheld from the atmospheres .
16 But , particularly since Tiananmen , it has been echoing the argument that people would be less concerned to leave Hong Kong before 1997 if they could be absolutely confident that other countries would accept them after that date .
17 From the age of eight he began at 5 a.m. despite being so small that special pattens had to be made to enable him to reach the machinery , and he bore the scars of the corporal punishment inflicted on him there for the rest of his life .
18 In some camps the lavatories were so bad that white slugs bred in the depths .
19 People were also worried that electro-magnetic fields could destroy the body 's resistance to infection .
20 SWAPO loyalists were also concerned that top police and intelligence posts went to former security chiefs of the previous transitional government .
21 And together we were emphatically co-operative that neighbouring forces were populated by lesser mortals .
22 It is most important that comfortable relationships exist in people orientated businesses , and you will profit in more ways than one if you feel happy to return and use the facilities over and over again .
23 It is little wonder that fundamentalist sects have a field day welcoming in disillusioned people who have been put off Christianity by forms of Anglicanism which offer so little and demand nothing .
24 The emphasis is on economic research , but the Centre is keenly aware that other disciplines are concerned with policy questions .
25 R v Secretary of State for Home Department , Ex parte Kuku ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls and Staughton LJJ ) ; 28 Sept 1989 It is highly desirable that foreign nationals to whom r 10 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 169 applies should not only by warned by the Home Office of the necessity under s 3(4) of the Immigration Act 1971 of obtaining a visa if seeking re-entry to the UK after a short visit abroad , but that that warning should take the form of a document attached to the foreign national 's passport , so there is no question of any misapprehension .
26 It is highly likely that special forces — 22nd SAS Regt. , and Special Boat Squadron RM — have been present in the Gulf since an early stage of Operation ‘ Granby ’ .
27 Near Roman towns , it is highly likely that original churches were founded as mausolea or temples in graveyards outside the Roman settlement proper .
28 First , ‘ It is highly improbable that single-celled organisms ( on another planet ) could ever develop into complex intelligent beings . ’
29 In this study , sulphate reducing bacteria must have been absent , or their activities limited in the non-methanogenic samples tested , because it is highly unlikely that methanogenic bacteria will displace sulphate reducing bacteria for this mutual growth substrate given an adequate supply of electron acceptor ( sulphate ) .
30 I would suggest that it is highly unlikely that sufficient numbers of Timbury type continuing care units will be provided .
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