Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are perhaps owe something to the tabloid newspapers and colour supplements , as these have emerged in the post-war years , with their high illustrative content and minimal text .
2 The owners of the 124 foot Silver Cloud are tonight towing her off the bank ready to tackle the famous Symonds Yatt Rapids on Friday .
3 Well this is alright , but we 're only doing it for the beneficiaries int you ?
4 and they 're only saying it for the sake of keeping going .
5 I 'd like to do that , but you 're just giving one to the Conservatives .
6 Okay , just about it now Okay , gon na ask each group what marks they 've given and why , now it 's not for the other team to justify it because it 's all a subjective thing but the thing is we 're hopefully marking them against the same criteria as everybody else because we 've all been in the same place and listened to the same things and read the same things , however , now we know obviously it does n't necessarily mean that everybody 's taken in the same things .
7 They 're always ask me about the horses . "
8 no hope we do n't lose it on that Tim , it 's got all my money in at the moment , it 's a really good one is n't it , we 're really enjoying it at the moment does n't what number it is but we just , what do we do with this ?
9 Of course while they may be imagining that they are bending my ear and creating a good impression , they are also providing me with the kind of evidence I am looking for about the gendered and generational aspects of this kind of racism .
10 Well I 'm just getting it on the
11 I 'm not watching it I 'm just getting it at the beginning .
12 ‘ I 'm just helping you into the canoe .
13 ‘ I 'm just presenting you with the facts .
14 I 'm just doing something at the moment
15 You now , he , he 's had , I 'm just keeping him on the straight and narrow while he 's on remission .
16 No that 's right you were supposed to be here facing me in the studio and you gone and got ill .
17 If we 're not careful they 'll be demanding single table bargaining and they 'll be then putting us in the minority in local authorities and we 're gon na see this union under tremendous offensive as a quarter of our membership in local authorities , so we need to get our act together and get on top of this now .
18 I know we 're not inviting anybody for lunch Christmas day could n't cope with that but it would be quite to have them in the afternoon ca n't cope with the people !
19 Keep up the good work — and do n't forget that this column and Postbag are here to provide you with the opportunity to air your news and views on the game !
20 Her two sons had watched the scene from a distance and were soon to report it to the authorities .
21 Improvements in firms ' procedures were deemed necessary in many of the firms the Joint Monitoring Unit ( JMU ) visited , but in many cases firms were already implementing them by the time of our visits .
22 We were once promised something of the sort from Anna Ford back at ITN , but it never happened .
23 Fourth , and finally , the rejection of the Athenians by the Spartans makes more sense if the Ephialtic reforms are seen as part of a process rather than as an event , that is , if the qualities which the Spartans feared were gradually manifesting themselves over the whole thirty-year period , 487–457 .
24 The Communists were busily isolating themselves from the labour movement ; the Independent Labour Party was about to do the same .
25 He had to — they were doubtless watching him on the closed-circuit television .
26 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs and at last somebody out there has the common sense to recognise that fact too : the new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4 to 6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix ’ ; if that does n't bring the punters piling in , nothing will .
27 The new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4–6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix . ’
28 The path to salvation is eventually shown her by the unwitting Messiah figure Hussein , an East African poet who speaks in metaphors and proverbs .
29 The plan was to let him ride Dave Leach 's 400cc machine in the first round of the Superteens last weekend and then move on to Moodie 's Yamaha for the Scot is only riding it at the North West and the TT .
30 But he ca n't cos daddy 's already put it in the kitchen .
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