Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [noun] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You need to be wary of PC shareware companies that offer very cheap disks , as these often contain versions of programs that are literally years out of date .
2 When the frequency is lower than ο max the permanent dipoles can follow the field quite closely and so ε′ is high because the dipoles align easily with each change in polarity ; ε′′ on the other hand is low again because now the voltage and the current are approximately 90° out of phase .
3 This means that , though many foreign goods are still way out of reach for most Poles , others are suddenly at fingertip-end .
4 The current and potential difference are everywhere 90° out of phase .
5 on the 248 dates of the ‘ Brothers in Arms ’ world tour , the entire accounts were only £4.04 out of balance .
6 Clothes marked with an F in a circle on the care label have to be cleaned with CFC 113 , but this is being gradually phases out of use before a complete ban comes into force by the end of 1995 .
7 Many of the writers gave stereotypes of bookshops which were clearly years out of date and which they themselves knew were out of date .
8 Many flocks were now lambing twice per year .
9 They were now miles out of town .
10 It 's still chances here for Forest Phillips playing it in again towards Collimore good one handed catch by Ward .
11 Duncan is really col down at L.A.B. My actual sponsor is Bad Boy Club board division .
12 Consequently , the guidance handed down by the Court of Appeal is frequently way out of line with the levels of sentence that are typically imposed for similar offences by the lower courts .
13 Sometimes is almost ankle deep in filth and litter .
14 The Council is hoping it 's code of conduct will lead to a more harmonious relationship with buskers , but with one street musician at least the code is definitely way out of tune .
15 She was only feet away from escape .
16 Meh'Lindi was soon way out of sight of the Squat around a wide bend .
17 The voice was real close to the rest of the music and most times back then , in country and pop , the vocal was always way out in front ; even on RCA the voice was out more than we were used to .
18 A tail-steady , which should have been in place under a hard point before work started , was about 6″ out of position .
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