Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] up [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Byrd studied all research on the trait approach that had been done up to the 1940 's and only found 5% of all traits identified for leaders common to all the research .
2 The co-ordinator , Thijs Kuiken , said that the inadequacy of present knowledge had been shown up by the 1989 viral epidemic which killed thousands of seals .
3 ‘ Jesus stresses that love of God and love of one 's neighbour are summed up in the Ten Commandments .
4 The tribunal , which had been set up under the 1981 Algiers Accord , had yet to determine the exact sum of compensation to be paid .
5 LGCM had been set up in the 1970s ; it rented a room in St Botolph 's , Aldgate , a church well-known for work with single homeless people in London .
6 The new body — to be set up by the 12 countries of the European Community and the six countries of the European Free Trade Association — would be open to east European states who opt for democracy .
7 The capital for the fund would be put up by the three governments .
8 Mental Health Review Tribunals were set up under the 1959 Act .
9 The patients were followed up over the one week period of the challenge and , for longterm tolerance ; they were seen one month later .
10 These decent working-class houses were put up in the 1770s and 1780s , where land was cheap and when building materials were plentiful , wages in the building trades relatively low , and money relatively cheap .
11 These two possible views of the Ring are kept up throughout the three volumes : sentient creature , or psychic amplifier .
12 The interview is made up of the two sets of interrelated emotions — those of the adviser and those of the client .
13 But of course Joan 's tied up in the Hundred Years War , and Frank 's got involved in some great animal epic .
14 This will tell you how much ‘ dead money ’ is tied up in the three products .
15 In one form — the earliest is usually attributed to the Boston Consulting Group , USA — a 3 × 3 matrix is set up on the two axes as in Figure 2.4 .
16 The planning of the buildings is very strange if it is merely a dwelling-house , since so much space is taken up with the two baths and the dining-room .
17 brown tiles and it was brown tiles all in that room and of course we could n't , we had started a business and all the money had gone into the business and we could n't afford to , to start carpeting , it was impossible , so , but that room really looked superb I think , I had huge rugs , you know , one in front of the fireplace and another one this end and the other end in colour , in colours , and there really , it really looked nice and the floor was polished up to the nines , you know , er right through here all polished all the same colour
18 The programme for the first year was drawn up by the three partners during a week-long visit to Fife .
19 The Occupational Pensions Board , which was set up under the 1973 Social Security Act to monitor and establish minimum standards for private occupational pension schemes , was asked to consider the question of equal status for men and women in occupational pension schemes in 1975 .
20 The Serious Fraud Office ( SFO ) was set up under the 1987 Criminal Justice Act in response to a report by the Fraud Trials Committee formed in 1983 as a result of dissatisfaction with the ability of the City of London Fraud Squad to get convictions .
21 When a review of the health service was set up following the 1987 general election , it was claimed that our kind of public review would be too slow .
22 This fund was set up during the 1880s as a means of providing sickness benefit for employees .
23 Darlington Wildlife Trust is the latest branch of the Durham trust , which was set up in the Sixties .
24 Ms Ela Robinson , who is in charge of the nursery class at Richmond CE School , is chairman of the National Campaign for Nursery Education , which was set up in the Sixties .
25 The first , Organic Growers West Wales , was set up in the 1970s to facilitate the supply of produce to meet the growing demand from the supermarkets while supporting its members by guaranteeing markets and providing information on what crops are needed and what prices they will receive for them .
26 There are more than 12 million pictures cataloguing what must be every major news story since the agency was set up in the 30's .
27 The last was set up in the seventies when apparently some defector had cast some doubt on Mills .
28 Thanks primarily to Francois Mitterrand , a regulatory body , independent of the state , was set up in the 1980S to overview public service and other communications sectors and to protect broadcasters from pressures exercised by governments , politicians and lobbies of all kinds .
29 The brake-pad bindweed had returned and everything was seized up in the early-seventies .
30 Evelyn was dressed up to the nines .
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