Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] from [pron] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Buckley was a man in possession of secrets , and a 400-page confession had allegedly already been extracted from him under torture .
2 Field barns were built to serve land lying some distance from the farmstead , or which could only be reached from it by way of steep hills .
3 The Formalist principle whereby ‘ the forms of art are explainable by the laws of art ; they are not justified by their realism ’ ( Shklovsky 1965b : 57 ) is manifest in almost every aspect of Sterne 's novel and does not have to be inferred from it by analysis ( as perhaps it does in Gogol 's Overcoat ) .
4 The aim of this research is to evaluate how far these new courses are meeting their objective and to find out what lessons can be learned from them for engineering education in general .
5 The Prime Minister of Israel , Itzhak Shamir , told a meeting of his ruling Likud Party on Feb. 26 that the end of the war would bring a new " period of trial " for Israel and that there would " be an effort to use political means to snatch from Israel what could not be snatched from us by force " .
6 FOLLOWING on from last month 's report on club management ( p79 of September 's RW&P , Jim Saker of Loughborough University Business School , co-author with Sarah Massey , has reminded us that copies of the full report ( price £15 inclusive of postage & packing ) or the synopsis ( £3 ) and information on training workshops can be obtained from him at Loughborough University School .
7 A Winsor & Newton catalogue which can be purchased from you nearest retailer describes every product and its uses , which you should find indispensable when choosing materials .
8 For example X may agree to sell to Y ‘ the Morris car , registration number ABC 123 , at present in the ownership of Q and to be acquired from him by X. ’ This is a contract for the sale of specific goods .
9 Indeed , the beginning of the period is as far removed from the end of it as we human beings are removed from it in history .
10 Your poems were torn from me by violence ;
11 These confessions were withdrawn by the accused because they claimed they were extracted from them under duress , including beatings .
12 That was all I needed to feel sure that Harvey had the half-dozen eggs that were stolen from me at London Airport .
13 She had given herself , a virgin , to Ferdinando without benefit of holy matrimony and her first-born was being withheld from her as payment for her crime .
14 The shield of cold indifference , the sword of anger , had both been snatched from her by Ralf 's warning .
15 This is stolen from her in turn by Squeers , who has been bribed by Ralph Nickleby , for reasons of his own , to recover the document .
16 At paragraph 1497 , it is stated that in larceny the owner of the thing stolen has no intention to part with his property therein to the person taking it , although he may intend to part with the possession ; in false pretences the owner does intend to part with his property in the money or chattel , but it is obtained from him by fraud .
17 The group was built from nothing by Gedge and brilliantly nurtured without the sickening prevarication involved in most of pop 's success stories .
18 ‘ Two reasons : first , because they moved here , the Sardinians , to find pasture when the land they had grazed for centuries was taken from them for development — the Costa Smeralda , etcetera .
19 They would be very unhappy if that time was taken from them by points of order of this kind .
20 His voluminous political correspondence was purchased from her by Peel 's literary executors , the fifth Earl Stanhope and Edward , Viscount Cardwell [ qq.v. ] , and destroyed except for the two volumes incorporated in the Peel papers , now in the British Library , and letters of his own retained by Lord Stanhope .
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