Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] by [v-ing] the first " in BNC.

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1 Thus scheme six , for instance , might be altered by making the first instalment payable on the 22nd day after the loan and taking 7d per pound for interest .
2 Seventeen random numbers in the range 000 to 200 ( representing the record keys ) can be selected by choosing the first numbers within the required range occurring in a random number table .
3 That the two objectives are interdependent can be demonstrated by examining the first objective .
4 Premiums can also be cut by paying the first £150 or £250 of a claim and some insurers offer no-claim discounts , which should suit the super fit .
5 However , for a discount security with more than six months ( 182 days ) to maturity , the bond equivalent yield has to take into account the fact that the corresponding bond makes two coupon payments and that interest is earned by investing the first coupon .
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